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Help me solve this OA task

Revision en4, by fiire_ice, 2023-02-20 20:39:58

Hello Codeforces!

Recently I gave this OA at Impact Analytics, but I couldn't understand this problem at all. The language of the problem statement isn't clear. Can someone just tell me whether the problem is correct? By that I mean can someone see if all the test inputs outputs make sense or not. Here is the problem statement

Thank you, bless you, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!

Tags #online assessment


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English fiire_ice 2023-02-20 20:39:58 1 Tiny change: 'le/d/1w09fg1hiJQYor3r' -> 'le/d/1w09f1hiJQYor3r'
en3 English fiire_ice 2022-12-23 01:26:31 27
en2 English fiire_ice 2022-12-23 01:25:45 97
en1 English fiire_ice 2022-12-23 01:21:12 400 Initial revision (published)