Hello Codeforces!!
We're honored to invite you to TheForces Round #14 (Cool-Forces) which will take place on 23.05.2023 18:05 (Московское время).
You will have $$$135$$$ minutes to solve $$$7$$$ problems.
Please don't forget the time. Registration is open now.
Problems were prepared and authored by : amenotiomoi, Amir_Parsa, MrSavageVS, Away_in_the_heavens, repegfrost.
Also huge thanks to our army of testers : TyroWhizz, wuhudsm, Little_Sheep_Yawn, O--O, k1r1t0, blxst, Madboly, Virendra115, E404_Not_Found, ExpensiveAC, Abhishek_Srivastava, danish_droid, Muaath_5, Zen-Oh, Binary_Thinker.
Also we want to thank you for participating in our rounds.
Discord Server (800+ people, join for a cookie )