Do This Right Now!

Revision en1, by the_Incharge, 2024-04-18 18:56:38

Hi everyone , I am writing this blog to let you know that you must solve this problem 1930F - Максимизируйте разницу. This is a Div2 F problem so not many people have solved this problem but I want you to know that pre requisites are minimal which is that you should know bit manipulation and that's it. However I feel that if you have ever studied TRIES and done that famous problem where you have to find max XOR of a number with a given array , then you will find this problem even more beautiful because its kind of finding the max AND. I will say that again whoever is reading this blog must solve this problem as long as you know you basic bit manipulation.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English the_Incharge 2024-04-18 18:59:56 246
en1 English the_Incharge 2024-04-18 18:56:38 672 Initial revision (published)