We will hold 【MX-S2】Mengxiong Weekly Senior Round 2 (Open) Announcement on Luogu.
- Contest URL: https://www.luogu.com.cn/contest/184989
- Start Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240727T14&p1=237
- Duration: 240 minutes
- System: IOI
- Difficulty: CSP-S(see this blog), easier than Codeforces Div. 1 (but still be equal to or harder than Div. 2)
- Writer & Tester: sycqwq, MX_muxi, MagicalFlower, Liuxizai
- Rated range: Unrated on Luogu
- The points value: 100-100-100-100