Should We Use AI to Change Languages in Codeforces?

Revision en1, by GlitchOrbit, 2024-10-16 13:18:39

Hey everyone!

I’ve been thinking—what if we used AI to translate code between languages on codeforces. It sounds attractive: you write a solution in Python, but it's too slow, and AI magically converts it to C++ for better performance. Cool, right?

But here’s where I’m confused. If AI does all the converting, am I really learning? Sure, it saves time, but could it lead to mistakes or make things too easy? Isn’t part of the fun (and frustration) of competitive programming solving things manually and improving by switching languages ourselves?

On the flip side, using AI could actually help me learn new tricks by comparing the code it generates. So I’m torn—should we rely on AI for this, or stick to doing it ourselves?

What do you think? Would AI make life easier, or would it take away from the experience?


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English GlitchOrbit 2024-10-16 13:22:29 0 Tiny change: 'Hey everyo' -> '<spoiler summary="Spoiler">\n...\n</spoilerHey everyo' (published)
en1 English GlitchOrbit 2024-10-16 13:18:39 877 Can I use AI?? (saved to drafts)