All editorial codes contain solutions wrapped in classes. I'll only paste the important part (namespace solution
in C++, class Solution
in Python 3) as plaintext in the solution code section (along with the corresponding AC submission link). You might want to see the code template here.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
namespace solution {
bool hasMultipleTests = true;
void preprocess() {
// something
void input(int testcase) {
// something
void solve(int testcase) {
// something
int main() {
int t = 1;
if (solution::hasMultipleTests) cin >> t;
for (int testcase=1; testcase<=t; testcase++) {
return 0;
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
class Solution:
hasMultipleTests = True
def preprocess(cls):
def input(cls, testcase):
def solve(cls, testcase):
# end Solution
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = int(input()) if Solution.hasMultipleTests else 1
for testcase in range(1, t+1):
Also, per my own custom ever since 2019, solution codes will only be published after system testing, to ensure all codes used here guarantee AC. Thank you for your patience.
Author: AkiLotus
Development: AkiLotus
Hinter: AkiLotus
Editorialist: AkiLotus, Kuroni
In which cases would a light be on?
Imagine that you have $$$x$$$ white socks and $$$y$$$ black socks. What would you do to make the maximum pairs of matched socks?
Imagine that you have $$$x$$$ white socks and $$$y$$$ black socks. What would you do to make the maximum pairs of unmatched socks?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD
Author: Kuroni
Development: AkiLotus
Hinter: Kuroni
Editorialist: AkiLotus, Kuroni
There is always exactly one solution for $$$n = 1$$$. For $$$n \ge 3$$$, for which $$$k$$$ should there be no solution at all?
Try to find a solution with $$$k = 2$$$ and $$$k = 4$$$, assuming $$$n$$$ allows at least one solution to exist. Can you find a pattern and generalize it for all even $$$k$$$?
Try to find a solution with $$$k = 3$$$ and $$$k = 5$$$, assuming $$$n$$$ allows at least one solution to exist. Can you find a pattern and generalize it for all odd $$$k$$$?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD
Author: AkiLotus
Development: AkiLotus
Hinter: AkiLotus
Editorialist: AkiLotus, Kuroni
Without loss of generality, you can rewrite the triangle inequality into a much more compacted form if the side lengths are properly ordered.
Given four integers $$$a \le b \le c \le d$$$, if $$$(a, b, d)$$$ are side lengths of a non-degenerate triangle, so does $$$(a, b, c)$$$.
Given four integers $$$a \le b \le c \le d$$$, if $$$(a, b, d)$$$ are side lengths of a non-degenerate triangle, so does $$$(a, c, d)$$$.
Given four integers $$$a \le b \le c \le d$$$, if $$$(a, b, d)$$$ are side lengths of a non-degenerate triangle, so does $$$(b, c, d)$$$.
To make a sorted array $$$[b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_m] \space (m \ge 3)$$$ satisfy the problem, we must ensure that $$$b_1 + b_2 > b_m$$$.
Fix the result array to have two minimas and one maxima at respectively $$$a_x$$$, $$$a_y$$$ and $$$a_z$$$. How many operations are required to do so?
Is there a fast and optimal way to try all possible $$$(a_x, a_y, a_z)$$$ triplets?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD
Author: AkiLotus
Development: AkiLotus
Hinter: AkiLotus
Editorialist: AkiLotus, Kuroni
There are many specific constraints on the system tree.
First, notice that $$$1 \le x \le y \le n-1$$$ if and only if $$$p_x \le p_y$$$. Draw a few trees with this constraint and start pointing your finger on the nodes from $$$0$$$ to $$$n-1$$$. Notice the pattern your finger is making.
Incorporate hint #1 with the fact that the "tentacles" of the Genokraken are just paths. Try to draw more detailed conclusion about that pattern.
Is there a way to know how many tentacles there are?
What use could we make of the fact that node $$$1$$$ has exactly two adjacent nodes?
The query limit is very small. Is there a way to query that the information obtained in each query should (at least partially) determine a node?
For each "tentacle", can we know when its path has ended? How many queries should it take?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD
Author: thanhchauns2
Development: thanhchauns2, Sagita_Phoenix
Hinter: AkiLotus
Editorialist: AkiLotus
Why is $$$n$$$ odd? Does it imply anything of the availability of a solution?
$$$n = 1$$$ is trivial. Try to solve this problem if $$$n = 3$$$ and $$$a_1 = a_3$$$.
Try to solve this problem for any array with $$$n = 3$$$. Is there any way to solve this without going pass a state of $$$a_1 = a_3$$$ (or $$$a_1 = a_2$$$ or $$$a_2 = a_3$$$)?
Assume that $$$n = 5$$$, $$$a_1 = a_5$$$ and $$$a_2 = a_3 = a_4$$$. Now refer to hint #2, can you see any similarity in the solution?
Refer to hint #4. What would happen if we apply an operation to index $$$2$$$ and another to index $$$4$$$?
For any array with $$$n = 5$$$, how would you convert it into the form stated in hint #4?
Refer to hint #6. How would you make $$$a_1 = a_5$$$ and $$$a_2 = a_4$$$? Does the fact that $$$n$$$ is odd help in any way?
Can you draw a generalized conclusion?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD
Author: MofK
Development: MofK, AkiLotus
Hinter: AkiLotus
Editorialist: MofK, AkiLotus
Try to solve if all pockets are in the same box. Does the problem seem familiar?
There's one kind of cases for a box that its game has a fixed move sequence, and thus a fixed outcome. What is it?
Let's take the cases found in hint #2 out of the equation from here on. Is there any way for a player to win in two consecutive boxes?
If a player can win a box if both play optimally to win, can they also lose it if both play optimally to lose?
Submission link: TBD
// TBD
Submission link: TBD