Codeforces Blitz Cup 2025 Final Rounds Have Started! Join the stream now: ×

That's how it works when I participate at midnights

Revision en1, by Amao_Fox, 2024-11-11 03:09:29

Yesterday I was just in a mood to participate another round. when I solved B in 7 minutes, I found my self standing at the first place of official ranklist. But it took me 2 times of normal time to solve C and D because I'm tired, sleepy, and the students around are already asleep so I must be quiet and I can't talk to myself (I need speak to think for some reason), otherwise I'll be crused to death by them. I was orginally planning to reach master, but it seems to be impossible after C and D. So I planned to solve problem E and finally wrote a code that could pass the samples. Just the moment when I tried to open the submit page, my computer shutdown itself just because it's run out of electricity.

 But the irony lies here: I ensured that it had three hours of battery life before the start of the contest; When I started writing E, I saw that it had at least one hour of battery life, and by then it was less than half an hour before the end of the contest. I just installed Windows10 on my old computer some years ago, I didn't expect it to deceive me so much.

 I'm still in a mood to participate another round because even I was suffered from these, I still get positive rating changes.

Just as one previous time when I passed G2 but didn't pass the same but easier G1 because network problems, when I mistakenly fell asleep, when I suddenly broke a key on the keyboard... There are always lots of strange things happening at online contests.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Amao_Fox 2024-11-11 03:09:29 1522 Initial revision (published)