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Congrats, to me, for not reaching Master!

Revision en1, by Amao_Fox, 2024-11-24 16:44:08

Today, I congrats myself to be one of the strongest CM in the world. I just reached a rating of 2099 (wtf) after last Div.1+Div.2.

I'd like to thank every one that helped me during this road, my teacher, my mates. I can't just reach this rating with only my practice, their opinions helped a lot. To say I've been on this road for almost 6 to 7 years, and I've spent 15 months on CodeForces, which give me this exciting rating and fantastic problems.

And I'd also like to thank my lagging computer, my bad stomach (as a result of cold KFC), and the noisy computer room. I can't reach 2099 without them — maybe I could just go straight to Master.

Anyway, the strongest CM has a "strong" in it.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Amao_Fox 2024-11-24 16:44:08 748 Initial revision (published)