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Proof: My solution was flagged as cheated, but it uses well known concepts with published sources

Revision en1, by kishan.ved, 2024-12-21 09:20:27

Contest: Codeforces Round 993 (Div. 4)


My solution (submitted before him):

His solution:

Hi everyone, I am kishan.ved . I confirm that neither of us has cheated. This is a simple problem and both of us have solved it by the same approach. I agree that our codes are similar, but they are not exactly the same. There are notable differences, only the logic used is the same. You can check it yourself. The solution uses concepts like BFS (with a small modification), and hence, it so happened that both of us solved it in a similar manner. We have never spoken to each other before, never shared solutions and did not cheat during the contest.

Similar published solution:

I have solved a question the uses a similar approach on leetcode before:

This is a solution for the above question, published on Oct 29, 2022 (2 years before the contest): [I am sharing this because when I had solved this question on LeetCode, I had used the similar approach, I just didn't publish my solution]

I am still learning CP and I was quite surprised by this. If you notice, I have upsolved problems of the contest after not being able to solve them during the contest duration. If I just wanted rating, I could have cheated on them too.

Please help. I also submitted my solution before him.

I request MikeMirzayanov, cry, Proof_by_QED and Lilypad to kindly help.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English kishan.ved 2024-12-21 09:21:23 0 (published)
en1 English kishan.ved 2024-12-21 09:20:27 1851 Initial revision (saved to drafts)