A YT channel and an experiment

Revision en1, by BooeyTheDeltoidroaster, 2024-12-22 00:13:43


I forgot to mention in my last entry that I have a YouTube channel, and you can check it out ( https://www.youtube.com/@g.s.495 )!!


I desperately need some video ideas, too, so if you have some ideas, I'm willing to listen!

I'm doing an experiment?!

I want to do a quirky little experiment with gkosthefinalboss7, Kokice5, bornag and greatgamer, and it can involve you in some way too! I was thinking to organize a monthly competiton where you create tasks that use specific algorithms and the judges will rate them at a few categories, like hoe suitable the task is for the meant difficulty, quality of text and how understandable the task is.

If I manage to get the guys on the same page, I hope there will be a cool competition around the corner!



  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English BooeyTheDeltoidroaster 2024-12-22 00:13:43 935 Initial revision (published)