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That's why English is important in Chinese OI

Revision en1, by Amao_Fox, 2025-02-06 10:35:06

Today we had a contest including three problem called "简单函数(function)", "异或大师(xor)" and "摩天大楼(skyscraper)".

In Chinese OI, mostly we have to read and write to files, some would use fstream or fopen, I use freopen, that's not the point.

A common Chinese coder knows that the different code lists of Chinese is just a trash, you could use UTF-8 on your computer and send it to your teacher while your teacher using GBK, and your code bombs.

freopen("摩天大楼.in", "r", stdin); -> freopen("鎽╁ぉ澶фゼ.in", "r", stdin);

So we often use English to the problem and code names. And I typed the wrong name using

freopen("", "r", stdin);
freopen("skycraper.out", "w", stdout);

And I didn't notice that issue until I recieved RuntimeError0pts after the contest.

Congratulations that I lost 8pts which wouldn't lead to any trouble. But what if I could have 100pts on this problem and lost them all? That would be a disaster.

R.I.P. sky s craper 2025/2/6 ~ 2025/2/6


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Amao_Fox 2025-02-06 10:35:06 1052 Initial revision (published)