Help wanted: Wavelet tree

Revision en1, by Hostek, 2025-03-09 17:36:51

Hey, I want to solve this problem: Given array a of length n handle these queries online (each query in O(logn))

-> l r k (input) which means output the sum of k largest numbers on segment [l,r] in array a.

($$$n <= 10^6$$$ , $$$q <= 10^6$$$ (q is number of queries), the array has only positive integers ($$$a_i <= 10^9$$$))

I know it is possible to do using Wavelet tree.

Tags wavelet tree, wavelet, help, implementation


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English Hostek 2025-03-09 17:36:51 396 Initial revision (published)