International Olympiads are so hard

Правка en3, от GreatRevan, 2025-03-15 21:25:16

I struggle soo much in team selection exams, let alone the olympiads themselves. I don't think i'm capable of winning international medal. I'm just gonna win the national olympiad and move on. I am open to advices from International Olympiad winners or competitors because I can't even imagine how hard it is to compete at an olympiad at international level. Is it even possible to win IOI medal??? (don't downvote plz)


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en3 Английский GreatRevan 2025-03-15 21:25:16 21 Tiny change: 'I medal???' -> 'I medal??? (don't downvote plz)'
en2 Английский GreatRevan 2025-03-15 21:23:12 1 Tiny change: 'ternationa level. Is' -> 'ternational level. Is'
en1 Английский GreatRevan 2025-03-15 21:22:34 432 Initial revision (published)