### [problem:665F]↵
The editorial for this problem is a little modification of the materials from the lecture of Mikhail Tikhomirov [user:Endagorion,2016-04-20]↵
of the autumn of 2015 in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Thanks a lot to [user:Endagorion,2016-04-20] for that materials.↵
Easy to see that only the number of the form $p\cdot q$ and $p^3$ (for different prime $p, q$) have exactly four positive divisors.↵
We can easily count the numbers of the form $p^3$ in $O(\sqrt[3]{n})$, where $n$ is the number from the problem statement.↵
Now let $p<q$ and $\pi(k)$ be the number of primes from $1$ to $k$. Let's iterate over all the values $p$. Easy to see that↵
$p\le \sqrt{n}$. So for fixed $p$ we should increase the answer by the value $\pi(\lfloor \frac np \rfloor)$.↵
So the task is ot to find $\pi(\lfloor \frac np \rfloor)$~--- the number of primes not exceeding $\frac np$, for all $p$.↵
Denote $p_j$ the $j$-th prime number. Denote $dp_{n, j}$ the number of $k$ such that $1 \leq k \leq n$, and all prime divisors of $k$↵
are at least $p_j$ (note that 1 is counted in all $dp_{n, j}$, since the set of its prime divisors is empty). $dp_{n, j}$ satisfy a↵
simple recurrence:↵
1. $dp_{n, 1} = n$ (since $p_1$ = 2)↵
2. $dp_{n, j} = dp_{n, j + 1} + dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$, hence $dp_{n, j + 1} = dp_{n, j} - dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$↵
Let $p_k$ be the smallest prime greater than $\sqrt{n}$. Then $\pi(n) = dp_{n, k} + k - 1$ (by definition, the first summand accounts↵
for all the primes not less than $k$).↵
If we evaluate the recurrence $dp_{n, k}$ straightforwardly, all the reachable states will be of the form $dp_{\lfloor n / i \rfloor, j}$. We can also↵
note that if $p_j$ and $p_k$ are both greater than $\sqrt{n}$, then $dp_{n, j} + j = dp_{n, k} + k$. Thus, for each $\lfloor n / i \rfloor$ it makes sense↵
to keep only $\sim \pi (\sqrt{n / i})$ values of $dp_{\lfloor n / i \rfloor, j}$.↵
Instead of evaluating all DP states straightforwardly, we perform a two-step process:↵
1. Choose $K$.↵
2. Run recursive evaluation of $dp_{n, k}$. If we want to compute a state with $n < K$, memorize the query ``count the numbers not exceeding $n$ with↵
all prime divisors at least $k$''.↵
3. Answer all the queries off-line: compute the sieve for numbers up to $K$, then sort all numbers by the smallest prime divisor. Now all queries can be answered↵
using RSQ structure. Store all the answers globally.↵
4. Run recurisive evaluation of $dp_{n, k}$ yet again. If we want to compute a state with $n < K$, then we must have preprocessed a query for this state,↵
so take it from the global set of answers.↵
The performance of this approach relies heavily on $Q$~--- the number of queries we have to preprocess.↵
*Statement*. $Q = O(\frac{n}{\sqrt{K} \log n})$.↵
Each state we have to preprocess is obtained by following a $dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$ transition from some greater state. It follows that↵
$Q$ doesn't exceed the total number of states for $n > K$.↵
\[Q \leq \sum_{j = 1}^{n / K} \pi(\sqrt{n / j}) \sim \sum_{j = 1}^{n / K} \sqrt{n / j} / \log n \sim \frac{1}{\log n}\int_1^{n / K} \sqrt{n / x} dx \sim \frac{n}{\sqrt{K}\log n}\]↵
The preprocessing of $Q$ queries can be done in $O((K + Q) \log (K + Q))$, and it is the heaviest part of the computation. Choosing optimal $K \sim \left(\frac{n}{\log n}\right)^{2/3}$,↵
we obtain the complexity $O(n ^{2/3} (\log n)^{1/3})$.↵
<spoiler summary="C++ solution">↵
li n;↵
bool read() {↵
return !!(cin >> n);↵
const int K = 10 * 1000 * 1000;↵
const int N = K;↵
const int P = 700100;↵
const int Q = 25 * 1000 * 1000;↵
int szp, p[P];↵
int mind[N];↵
void prepare() {↵
szp = 0;↵
forn(i, N) mind[i] = -1;↵
fore(i, 2, N) {↵
if (mind[i] == -1) {↵
assert(szp < P);↵
mind[i] = szp;↵
p[szp++] = i;↵
for (int j = 0; j < szp && j <= mind[i] && i * p[j] < N; j++)↵
mind[i * p[j]] = j;↵
inline int getk(li n) {↵
int lf = 0, rg = szp - 1;↵
while (lf != rg) {↵
int md = (lf + rg) >> 1;↵
if (p[md] * 1ll * p[md] > n) rg = md;↵
else lf = md + 1;↵
assert(p[lf] * 1ll * p[lf] > n);↵
return lf;↵
int t[K];↵
void inc(int i, int val) {↵
for ( ; i < K; i |= i + 1)↵
t[i] += val;↵
int sum(int i) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for ( ; i >= 0; i = (i & (i + 1)) - 1)↵
ans += t[i];↵
return ans;↵
int szq;↵
pti q[Q];↵
int ans[Q];↵
vector<int> vs[P];↵
void process() {↵
sort(q, q + szq, greater<pti> ());↵
memset(t, 0, sizeof(t));↵
forn(i, szp) vs[i].clear();↵
fore(i, 2, K)↵
inc(1, +1);↵
int p = szp - 1;↵
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < szq; i = j) {↵
while (p >= q[i].x) {↵
for (auto v : vs[p])↵
inc(v, +1);↵
while (j < szq && q[j].x == q[i].x) {↵
ans[j] = sum(q[j].y);↵
map<pair<li, int>, li> z;↵
li solve(li n, int jj, bool fs) {↵
if (!n) return 0;↵
int j = min(jj, getk(n));↵
if (!j) return n + j - jj;↵
li ans = 0;↵
if (n < K) {↵
pti p(j, (int) n);↵
if (fs) {↵
assert(szq < Q);↵
q[szq++] = p;↵
ans = 0;↵
return 0;↵
} else {↵
int idx = int(lower_bound(q, q + szq, p, greater<pti> ()) - q);↵
assert(idx < szq && q[idx] == p);↵
ans = ::ans[idx];↵
} else {↵
if (!z.count(mp(n, j))) {↵
ans = solve(n, j - 1, fs);↵
ans -= solve(n / p[j - 1], j - 1, fs);↵
z[mp(n, j)] = ans;↵
} else {↵
ans = z[mp(n, j)];↵
ans += j - jj;↵
return ans;↵
inline li pi(li n, bool fs) {↵
int k = szp - 1;↵
return solve(n, k, fs) + k - 1;↵
void solve() {↵
szq = 0;↵
for (int j = 0; p[j] * 1ll * p[j] <= n; j++) {↵
li nn = n / p[j];↵
if (nn > p[j]) {↵
pi(n / p[j], true);↵
li ans = 0;↵
for (int j = 0; p[j] * 1ll * p[j] <= n; j++) {↵
li nn = n / p[j];↵
if (nn > p[j]) {↵
ans += pi(n / p[j], false);↵
ans -= j + 1;↵
for (int i = 0; i < szp && p[i] * 1ll * p[i] * 1ll * p[i] <= n; i++)↵
cout << ans << endl;↵
Complexity: $O(n ^{2/3} (\log n)^{1/3})$.↵
The editorial for this problem is a little modification of the materials from the lecture of Mikhail Tikhomirov [user:Endagorion,2016-04-20]↵
of the autumn of 2015 in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Thanks a lot to [user:Endagorion,2016-04-20] for that materials.↵
Easy to see that only the number of the form $p\cdot q$ and $p^3$ (for different prime $p, q$) have exactly four positive divisors.↵
We can easily count the numbers of the form $p^3$ in $O(\sqrt[3]{n})$, where $n$ is the number from the problem statement.↵
Now let $p<q$ and $\pi(k)$ be the number of primes from $1$ to $k$. Let's iterate over all the values $p$. Easy to see that↵
$p\le \sqrt{n}$. So for fixed $p$ we should increase the answer by the value $\pi(\lfloor \frac np \rfloor)$.↵
So the task is ot to find $\pi(\lfloor \frac np \rfloor)$~--- the number of primes not exceeding $\frac np$, for all $p$.↵
Denote $p_j$ the $j$-th prime number. Denote $dp_{n, j}$ the number of $k$ such that $1 \leq k \leq n$, and all prime divisors of $k$↵
are at least $p_j$ (note that 1 is counted in all $dp_{n, j}$, since the set of its prime divisors is empty). $dp_{n, j}$ satisfy a↵
simple recurrence:↵
1. $dp_{n, 1} = n$ (since $p_1$ = 2)↵
2. $dp_{n, j} = dp_{n, j + 1} + dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$, hence $dp_{n, j + 1} = dp_{n, j} - dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$↵
Let $p_k$ be the smallest prime greater than $\sqrt{n}$. Then $\pi(n) = dp_{n, k} + k - 1$ (by definition, the first summand accounts↵
for all the primes not less than $k$).↵
If we evaluate the recurrence $dp_{n, k}$ straightforwardly, all the reachable states will be of the form $dp_{\lfloor n / i \rfloor, j}$. We can also↵
note that if $p_j$ and $p_k$ are both greater than $\sqrt{n}$, then $dp_{n, j} + j = dp_{n, k} + k$. Thus, for each $\lfloor n / i \rfloor$ it makes sense↵
to keep only $\sim \pi (\sqrt{n / i})$ values of $dp_{\lfloor n / i \rfloor, j}$.↵
Instead of evaluating all DP states straightforwardly, we perform a two-step process:↵
1. Choose $K$.↵
2. Run recursive evaluation of $dp_{n, k}$. If we want to compute a state with $n < K$, memorize the query ``count the numbers not exceeding $n$ with↵
all prime divisors at least $k$''.↵
3. Answer all the queries off-line: compute the sieve for numbers up to $K$, then sort all numbers by the smallest prime divisor. Now all queries can be answered↵
using RSQ structure. Store all the answers globally.↵
4. Run recurisive evaluation of $dp_{n, k}$ yet again. If we want to compute a state with $n < K$, then we must have preprocessed a query for this state,↵
so take it from the global set of answers.↵
The performance of this approach relies heavily on $Q$~--- the number of queries we have to preprocess.↵
*Statement*. $Q = O(\frac{n}{\sqrt{K} \log n})$.↵
Each state we have to preprocess is obtained by following a $dp_{\lfloor n / p_j \rfloor, j}$ transition from some greater state. It follows that↵
$Q$ doesn't exceed the total number of states for $n > K$.↵
\[Q \leq \sum_{j = 1}^{n / K} \pi(\sqrt{n / j}) \sim \sum_{j = 1}^{n / K} \sqrt{n / j} / \log n \sim \frac{1}{\log n}\int_1^{n / K} \sqrt{n / x} dx \sim \frac{n}{\sqrt{K}\log n}\]↵
The preprocessing of $Q$ queries can be done in $O((K + Q) \log (K + Q))$, and it is the heaviest part of the computation. Choosing optimal $K \sim \left(\frac{n}{\log n}\right)^{2/3}$,↵
we obtain the complexity $O(n ^{2/3} (\log n)^{1/3})$.↵
<spoiler summary="C++ solution">↵
li n;↵
bool read() {↵
return !!(cin >> n);↵
const int K = 10 * 1000 * 1000;↵
const int N = K;↵
const int P = 700100;↵
const int Q = 25 * 1000 * 1000;↵
int szp, p[P];↵
int mind[N];↵
void prepare() {↵
szp = 0;↵
forn(i, N) mind[i] = -1;↵
fore(i, 2, N) {↵
if (mind[i] == -1) {↵
assert(szp < P);↵
mind[i] = szp;↵
p[szp++] = i;↵
for (int j = 0; j < szp && j <= mind[i] && i * p[j] < N; j++)↵
mind[i * p[j]] = j;↵
inline int getk(li n) {↵
int lf = 0, rg = szp - 1;↵
while (lf != rg) {↵
int md = (lf + rg) >> 1;↵
if (p[md] * 1ll * p[md] > n) rg = md;↵
else lf = md + 1;↵
assert(p[lf] * 1ll * p[lf] > n);↵
return lf;↵
int t[K];↵
void inc(int i, int val) {↵
for ( ; i < K; i |= i + 1)↵
t[i] += val;↵
int sum(int i) {↵
int ans = 0;↵
for ( ; i >= 0; i = (i & (i + 1)) - 1)↵
ans += t[i];↵
return ans;↵
int szq;↵
pti q[Q];↵
int ans[Q];↵
vector<int> vs[P];↵
void process() {↵
sort(q, q + szq, greater<pti> ());↵
memset(t, 0, sizeof(t));↵
forn(i, szp) vs[i].clear();↵
fore(i, 2, K)↵
inc(1, +1);↵
int p = szp - 1;↵
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < szq; i = j) {↵
while (p >= q[i].x) {↵
for (auto v : vs[p])↵
inc(v, +1);↵
while (j < szq && q[j].x == q[i].x) {↵
ans[j] = sum(q[j].y);↵
map<pair<li, int>, li> z;↵
li solve(li n, int jj, bool fs) {↵
if (!n) return 0;↵
int j = min(jj, getk(n));↵
if (!j) return n + j - jj;↵
li ans = 0;↵
if (n < K) {↵
pti p(j, (int) n);↵
if (fs) {↵
assert(szq < Q);↵
q[szq++] = p;↵
ans = 0;↵
return 0;↵
} else {↵
int idx = int(lower_bound(q, q + szq, p, greater<pti> ()) - q);↵
assert(idx < szq && q[idx] == p);↵
ans = ::ans[idx];↵
} else {↵
if (!z.count(mp(n, j))) {↵
ans = solve(n, j - 1, fs);↵
ans -= solve(n / p[j - 1], j - 1, fs);↵
z[mp(n, j)] = ans;↵
} else {↵
ans = z[mp(n, j)];↵
ans += j - jj;↵
return ans;↵
inline li pi(li n, bool fs) {↵
int k = szp - 1;↵
return solve(n, k, fs) + k - 1;↵
void solve() {↵
szq = 0;↵
for (int j = 0; p[j] * 1ll * p[j] <= n; j++) {↵
li nn = n / p[j];↵
if (nn > p[j]) {↵
pi(n / p[j], true);↵
li ans = 0;↵
for (int j = 0; p[j] * 1ll * p[j] <= n; j++) {↵
li nn = n / p[j];↵
if (nn > p[j]) {↵
ans += pi(n / p[j], false);↵
ans -= j + 1;↵
for (int i = 0; i < szp && p[i] * 1ll * p[i] * 1ll * p[i] <= n; i++)↵
cout << ans << endl;↵
Complexity: $O(n ^{2/3} (\log n)^{1/3})$.↵