Codeforces Round #362
Difference between en10 and en11, changed 626 character(s)
— Hey, It's me again. Plain to see again...↵

— Oh crap, it's  PrinceOfPersia again :|↵

I'm here to introduce you: Codeforces round 362. It's gonna take place on [196th day of 2016](↵

I'm the writer of this round. Not as always, there are **6** problems. I hope you enjoy.↵

I want to thank [user:LiTi,2016-07-14] and [user:Haghani,2016-07-11] for testing this round, [user:dans,2016-07-11] and [user:GlebsHP,2016-07-11] for helping me prepare the problems and [user:MikeMirzayanov,2016-07-11] for legendary platforms of Codeforces and Polygon.↵

The main character of this round is Barney Stinson (high five ;)) and you're gonna help him with his problem.↵

![ ](↵

I wish you all lots of Accepted solutions and hope to see no Skipped solutions ;)↵

Scoring will be posted soon.↵

GL & HF!↵

**UPD:** We decided that the contest has 6 problems (in each division, 4 shared). Duration will be announced as soon as we decide, but It's gonna be between 2 and 2:30 (inclusive).↵

**UPD1:** Duration is 2:15.↵

**UPD2:** Scoring is **standard** in both divisions: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500 — 3000↵

**UPD3:** Check out the [editorial](!

**UPD4:** System testing is over. Congratulations to the winners!↵

Div.1 Winners are:↵

1. [user:TooDifficuIt,2016-07-14]↵
2. [user:jcvb,2016-07-14]↵
3. [user:sankear,2016-07-14]↵
4. [user:matthew99,2016-07-14]↵
5. [user:Zlobober,2016-07-14]↵
6. [user:Claris,2016-07-14]↵
7. [user:Endagorion,2016-07-14]↵
8. [user:Reyna,2016-07-14]↵

Div.2 Winners are:↵

1. [user:MathStudent2002,2016-07-14]↵
2. [user:MathStudent2002,2016-07-14]↵
3. [user:kimiyuki,2016-07-14]↵
4. [user:O__________O,2016-07-14]↵
5. [user:hs484,2016-07-14]↵
6. [user:czllgzmzl,2016-07-14]↵
7. [user:DenisK,2016-07-14]↵
8. [user:jtnydv25,2016-07-14]


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en12 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 22:53:53 22 Tiny change: 'n2. [user:MathStudent2002,2016-07-1' -> 'n2. [user:holy_collie,2016-07-1'
en11 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 22:27:32 626
en10 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 21:51:58 80
en9 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 19:29:01 1 Tiny change: 'dash; 25000 —' -> 'dash; 2500 —'
en8 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 19:25:02 2 Tiny change: ' in both devisions: 5' -> ' in both divisions: 5'
en7 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 19:24:35 126
en6 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-14 13:58:12 103
en5 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-12 06:32:44 4 Tiny change: 'there are 6 problems.' -> 'there are **6** problems.'
en4 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-12 05:43:02 218
en3 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-11 18:45:40 1 Tiny change: 'ce on [196-th day of ' -> 'ce on [196th day of '
en2 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-11 18:44:48 1
en1 English PrinceOfPersia 2016-07-11 18:33:03 1057 Initial revision (published)