Codeforces Blitz Cup 2025 Final Rounds Have Started! Join the stream now: ×

Codeforces Round #374 (Div. 2)

Revision en9, by, 2016-09-30 17:06:39

Hello, Codeforces!

30th September 2016 at 17:05 MSK Codeforces Round #374 (Div. 2) will take place for second division participants. Traditionally, participants from the first division will be able to join out of competition. Please, notice that the start time is unusual.

This is my second Codeforces round, I tried to make problems interesting for everyone, so I recommend to read all problems statements! I hope that everyone will find something new and interesting. I wish lots of accepted runs and higher rating to all participants.

I want to thank Michael MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for wonderful platforms Polygon and Codeforces, and for help in preparing the problems, my best friends Danil Sagunov also for help in preparing the round and Ivan BledDest Androsov for testing the problems.

Participants will be given five tasks and two hours for solve them. Scoring system will be announced traditionally closer to round start. :)

The scoring is almost the standard: 500-1000-1500-2000-2750

Tags codeforces, round, 374, div2


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
ru6 Russian vovuh 2016-10-02 02:15:22 69
en11 English vovuh 2016-10-02 02:14:56 49
en10 English vovuh 2016-09-30 20:22:59 43 Tiny change: '-2000-2750' -> '-2000-2750\n\n**UPD**: Editorial will be posted soon.'
ru5 Russian vovuh 2016-09-30 20:22:25 48 Мелкая правка: '-2000-2750' -> '-2000-2750\n\n**UPD**: Разбор будет скоро выложен на сайт.'
en9 English 2016-09-30 17:06:39 2 Tiny change: 'he standart: 500-1000' -> 'he standard: 500-1000'
en8 English 2016-09-30 17:06:27 63
ru4 Russian 2016-09-30 17:05:32 58
en7 English vovuh 2016-09-29 14:30:39 1 Tiny change: 'best friens Danil [u' -> 'best friends Danil [u'
ru3 Russian vovuh 2016-09-29 00:25:27 5 Мелкая правка: 's!\n\n[30 октября 2016' -> 's!\n\n[30 сентября 2016'
en6 English vovuh 2016-09-29 00:24:59 8 Tiny change: '\n\n[30th October 2016 a' -> '\n\n[30th September 2016 a'
en5 English vovuh 2016-09-28 23:51:53 0 (published)
en4 English vovuh 2016-09-28 23:49:43 28
en3 English vovuh 2016-09-28 23:41:17 35
en2 English vovuh 2016-09-28 23:38:44 136
en1 English vovuh 2016-09-28 23:20:21 1139 Initial revision for English translation
ru2 Russian vovuh 2016-09-28 23:02:06 60
ru1 Russian vovuh 2016-09-28 23:00:23 1137 Первая редакция (сохранено в черновиках)