I was working on the problem Anton and Chess, and I have noticed that the entire output never gets read. Here is the code which deals with input — The input loop doesn't run as many times as it's supposed to and always takes one input less. This problem disappears if the character input line is removed.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void get_piece_coordinates(char *, long *, long *, unsigned int); int main() { unsigned int no_of_black_pieces; long king_x_coordinate, king_y_coordinate; scanf("%u", &no_of_black_pieces); scanf("%lu %lu",&king_x_coordinate, &king_y_coordinate); long *x_coordinate = malloc(no_of_black_pieces*sizeof(long)); long *y_coordinate= malloc(no_of_black_pieces*sizeof(long)); char *piece= malloc(no_of_black_pieces *sizeof(char)); get_piece_coordinates(piece, x_coordinate,y_coordinate,no_of_black_pieces); free(piece); free(x_coordinate); free(y_coordinate); return 0; } void get_piece_coordinates(char *piece, long *x_coordinate, long *y_coordinate, unsigned int no_of_black_pieces) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < no_of_black_pieces ; i++) { scanf("%c",(piece + i)); scanf("%lu %lu", (x_coordinate + i), (y_coordinate+ i)); } }