Hi CodeForcers, TopCoder sent me an email which states that Harvard — NASA Tournament Lab and TopCoder will be sponsoring this SRM (722) and have decided to pay $5 to recognize community members who engage in this SRM(722). The SRM 722 starts on 12 Oct 2017, Thursday at 7:00 am UTC.
The email is below:
Hi [username],
You have less than a week to prepare! Topcoder Single Round Match 722 is almost here! Topcoder SRM 722 is scheduled to start at 07:00 UTC -4 on Oct 12, 2017.
The Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab and Topcoder will be sponsoring this SRM and have decided to pay $5 to recognize community members who engage in this SRM.
You can pre-register and see the match details [here](http://crowdsourcing.topcoder.com/Harvard-NTL-SRM?utm_source=topcoder+Members&utm_campaign=054af9fb3c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_10_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28bfd3c062-054af9fb3c-43129101).
Best of luck!
The Topcoder Team
[Information on the Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab SRM Run](https://www.topcoder.com/blog/harvard-nasa-tournament-lab-srm-run/?utm_source=topcoder+Members&utm_campaign=054af9fb3c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_10_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28bfd3c062-054af9fb3c-43129101)
Edit: I don't know how to add it to the Google Calendar in CF, please somebody do it. Good luck, everybody!
Edit 2: Edit 1 is still valid. Please, somebody add it to the Calendar.