I'm trying to solve the python indentation problem in round 455C. My submission is receiving a memory exceeded exception.
Memory limit is: 256 * 1024 * 1024 = 268435456 bytes
In my code I am using at most a 5000*5000 matrix to hold the dp values and this will occupy ~ 200000064 bytes
I am also using a string to hold the program and it will occupy: 5049 bytes
I am using about 6 int variables in my program and then will occupy: 6 * 28 = 168 bytes
so in total: 200005281 bytes
Or 191 MB. So According to my calculations I am still bellow 200 MB, but in CF I am exceeding 256MB. Is there something that I am missing in the memory computation? Is the python interpreter size counted within the memory computation also?