Hello all, First off, allow me to thank those who put in the time to make all contests- from divisions to educationals to globals to mirrors.
Second of all, I've noticed a spike in the participation rate (10K-11K per contest) which is impressive!
However I also notice that the contests are irregularly spaced, and we occasionally wait 5-7 days for contests. This problem is even worse for div 1 participants.
With rising participation and interest, I would like to see an increased frequency and regularity in the contests-perhaps set a target fixed rate of a contest (of any type) every 3-4 days, with additional contests being placed in between.
This has multiple advantages: regularity ensures consistency, which is positively correlated to community engagement. Furthermore, while one can propose doing virtual contests, I will be the first to say they are not the same thing. Nothing matches a live contest with your peers and friends racing alongside you. (especially when rated).
I hope you guys feel the same!
Thanks for taking the time to read this :)