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Account Hacked

Revision en3, by huzaifa242, 2019-09-08 13:45:08

Hello Community,

I am writing this blog on behalf of deep9539. Recently his account was hacked by someone and now He is unable to get back access to his account.

I kindly request the people with corresponding authorisation and access to admin panel to please help him restore his account. For any communication regarding this issue you can contact me and I'll convey him the message. He is a friend of mine.

MikeMirzayanov KAN vovuh awoo

Please look into this matter and help the actual owner of the account restore his access.

If anyone is suspecting that i might want to get access to his account then please look at following links, We belong to same University.

My Codechef Profile

My Friend's Codechef Profile


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English huzaifa242 2019-09-09 18:58:51 66
en3 English huzaifa242 2019-09-08 13:45:08 1 Tiny change: '[My Friends Codechef' -> '[My Friend's Codechef'
en2 English huzaifa242 2019-09-08 13:44:32 284
en1 English huzaifa242 2019-09-08 12:51:15 647 Initial revision (published)