Hi all, happy new year!
I recently started developing a new Codeforces Search tool to help search for problems quickly in real-time. This can help for people who want problems for a particular topic (like interval, subarray, permutation, etc).
Right now you can only search by Problem Title, but I intend to add more advanced search functionality (like search by rating, or even search text inside of problems, etc) when I have time.
If interested, please comment below with feature requests and I'll consider adding them -- it'll be more motivating the requested feature can help a lot of people.
Update 1
Thanks everyone who expressed interested via upvoting or commenting with suggestions :)
I have added a couple things:
You can click on a column and it will sort that column in ascending/descending order.
Search is now global. This means you can search not only by problem name, but also by rating, contest, etc.
html tables are a bit slow to render when they have 5000+ rows of problems, so please be patient when initially sorting and searching. Sorting becomes faster once you've narrowed down the number of rows with a search query. I'm still looking into ways to make the rendering faster.
Also, here are some interesting queries for you to get started:
search "Educ" to see all Educational Round problems quickly
search "3000" to see all 3000 rated problems
search "segment" to see all problems with "segment" in their title
search "Div. 2" to see all Div. 2 problems
Let me know if you find any bugs in the comments or if you have any feature suggestions.