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Server/Channel to ask for help ?

Revision en5, by 175iq, 2020-09-09 07:19:43

There are some problems, particularly from old contests, whose editorial is hard to understand(as it is not explanatory enough) and leaves me clueless regarding step(s) in the editorial.

Posting a blog for every problem whose editorial I couldn't understand doesn't seem like a good way to ask for help.

Where should I ask for help in such cases? Is there any discord server/telegram channel/any other thing where other people are active and I can ask for help for problems rated 1700-1900 ?

Tags #help


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en5 English 175iq 2020-09-09 07:19:43 2 Tiny change: 'regarding a step(s) i' -> 'regarding step(s) i'
en4 English 175iq 2020-09-08 19:11:57 3 Tiny change: 'ing a step in the ed' -> 'ing a step(s) in the ed'
en3 English 175iq 2020-09-08 19:11:32 35 Tiny change: 'e clueless. \n\nPostin' -> 'e clueless regarding a step in the editorial.\n\nPostin'
en2 English 175iq 2020-09-08 19:08:01 34 Tiny change: 'understand and leave' -> 'understand(as it is not explanatory enough) and leave'
en1 English 175iq 2020-09-08 15:22:59 464 Initial revision (published)