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blog addiction

Правка en1, от sober_phoenix, 2021-03-30 22:05:10

Well,let me guess about your journey to this blog. Maybe you were reading something important on codeforces, then you saw this blog title pop up in your recent action menu. Curiously you clicked on the title blog addiction and now you're here . This is precisely what happens to me most of the time . Maybe I'm reading editorial of a past contest then I see any interesting title appearing in my recent action feed . In no time , I fell into the rabbit-hole of blogs , and completely lost sight of the original goal ( in this case , reading editorials of the problem I couldn't solve ) . And with the ever increasing user base of codeforces , the title nowadays are very clickbait-ish . I guess this is people ( including me ) develop youtube addiction too . So I'm sure this has to many of us . How do you deal with this ?


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en3 Английский sober_phoenix 2021-03-30 22:08:21 1 Tiny change: 'Well,let me gue' -> 'Well, let me gue'
en2 Английский sober_phoenix 2021-03-30 22:07:50 30
en1 Английский sober_phoenix 2021-03-30 22:05:10 847 Initial revision (published)