Tonight, I will pick twelve 3000 rated problems I haven't solved yet, try solving them, and track my progress. As usual, I will not look at editorials. Hopefully I will be able to solve them all before the year ends. I will not make this my highest priority and I won't try too hard. I will keep solving other problems in the meantime.
The problems are:
- 341E - Игра с конфетами (solved Jan 14, 12 days)
- 843E - Максимальный поток
- 1250D - Conference Problem (solved Jan 5, 3 days)
- 573D - Мишка и кавалерия (solved Jan 6, 4 days)
- 1290D - Сорта кофе (сложная версия) (solved Jan 8, 6 days)
- 568E - Наибольшая возрастающая подпоследовательность
- 788D - Поиск прямых (solved Jan 14, 12 days)
- 698F - Взаимно простые перестановки (solved Jan 3, 1 day)
- 1342F - Сделай возрастающим (solved Jan 4, 2 days)
- 1236F - Алиса и кактус (solved Jan 3, 1 day)
- 533A - Шахтёры Берляндии (solved Jan 16, 14 days)
- 1411F - Тернистый путь
My thoughts on the problems I have solved:
Problem 1
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Problem 7
More coming soon!