Hello Codeforces.
Unfortunately a few hours after the end of Round #819 we were pointed out that one of the problems was stolen from another online judge.
Codeforces team strongly condemns such an action from the author. By no means is this acceptable behavior. This is the first and the most important rule of problem making: your problem should be new up to your best knowledge.
A lot of people put lots of effort into creation of every single round. You can find these people mentioned in the announcements and they indeed deserve these acknowledgments. And yet a single cowardly decision can ruin this huge work and experience of thousands of participants.
In this particular case the copied problem was not widely known, and it seems that this made little or no impact on the course of the round. Nevertheless, we stick to the decision that in such case the round cannot be considered successful, and thus no rating changes can be applied. We will also remove the problem from the round and from the problemset as well as blacklist the author.
We hope that this case will be a lesson for future authors and this situation does not repeat in the future.