Codeforces Blitz Cup 2025 Final Rounds Have Started! Join the stream now: ×

NercNews's blog

By NercNews, 4 years ago, translation, In English


Hello everyone!

After all online qualifiers, we are pleased to announce that the Northern Eurasia Finals and ICPC 2021 semi-final offline stage will take place this weekend on April 3-4!

ICPCLive broadcast Standings

Mirror Problems Problems solutions

In December 2020, we announced that 50 student teams out of 330 were selected for the Northern Eurasia Finals. Most of the teams will compete in St. Petersburg. Still, some teams will compete at Minsk, Tbilisi, and Riga sites due to travel restrictions between countries.

NERCNews is going to monitor the championship and report on the main events! We will post links to the results table, contest tasks, contest mirror, and analytics published on the official website.

UPD today were qualified for ICPC 2021 World Finals next 12 teams:

  • SPb ITMO: Insert your name (Budin, Korobkov, Naumov)
  • HSE: Overtrained (Gorokhovskii, Safonov, Rakhmatullin)
  • Moscow SU: Nonames (Koshelev, Chunaev, Kalendarov)
  • St. Petersburg SU: LOUD Enough (Bochkov, Makarov, Gaevoi)
  • Saratov SU: N (Petrov, Piklyaev, Meshcheryakov)
  • SPb HSE 1: Lemon Tree (Makhnev, Surkov, Alferov)
  • Belarusian SU: 3 (Klimasheuski, Paliukhovich, Filinovich)
  • Moscow IPT: LinkCat (Zgursky, Gaponov, Surkov)
  • Kazan FU: AJ (Ilikayev, Yagafarov, Kapralov)
  • NNSU: 1 (Khlyustov, Ryabchikova, Emelin)
  • Tolyatti SU: A (Zakharov, Sabirov, Panin)
  • IITU: 1 (Baimukanov, Sardarbekov, Kyzyrkanov)

Also, join the traditional ICPCLive team online broadcast from the site in St. Petersburg. The schedule for both days can be found here.

We have compiled a list of teams grouped by ratings, which will be especially interesting to follow. What are your predictions? Favorites?

Team Contestant 1 Contestant 2 Contestant 3 Rating
HSE: Overtrained Ramazan Rakhmatullin
Maksim Gorokhovskii
Ivan Safonov
SPb SU: 25 Egor Gorbachev
Semen Petrov
Dmitriy Belichenko
SPb SU: Cheba Kings Saveliy Grigoryev
Andrey Efremov
Mikhail Ivanov
SPb ITMO: Insert your name Nikolay Budin
Stanislav Naumov
Roman Korobkov
SPb SU: LOUD Enough Ivan Bochkov
Vladislav Makarov
Nikita Gaevoi
MIPT: Malaya Bronnaya Yury Semenov
Maksym Machula
Artem Komendantian
HSE: Sleeveless shorts Philipp Gribov
Fedor Kuyanov
Semyon Savkin
SPb HSE 1: Lemon Tree Vasily Alferov
Konstantin Makhnev
Maksim Surkov
Belarusian SU 1 Aliaksandr Kernazhytski
Dzianis Kim
Ivan Lukyanov

Share your impressions and photos on social networks using hashtag #NERC.

Who will represent the Northern Eurasian Region in the ICPC 2021 Final whenever it happens? We will find out this Sunday! Stay tuned!

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By NercNews, 4 years ago, In English


Hello everyone!

We are thrilled to invite you to the great event — ICPC NERC Challenge powered by Huawei 12 — 20 December 2020.

Join to Challenge

This contest is based on some real problems from Huawei Cloud team. The task is simplified, but still very challenging. You need to find a schedule for a variety of realistic problem instances, where the goal will be minimizing two different cost functions. There is a non-trivial tradeoff, decision you have to make, on how to choose what is best for a particular case. You will be provided with examples that can help you to tackle the problem. A good solution may also require diving deeper into the nature of the problem, and creating some dataset of your own. We believe there are multiple approaches one can try here, and some crossover of the algorithms will also increase your chances to win. Good luck, we hope this will be fun!

The ICPC NERC Cloud Scheduling Challenge powered by Huawei will take place online during the week of December 12-20. This round is unrated for all participants. Everybody is welcome to participate. It is an individual competition. Participants will be divided into two groups: Northern Eurasia Contestants 2020 (all subregions) and all other Participants. If you are a NERC 2020 contestant and you want to take part in ICPC NERC Challenge, link your ICPC account to the Codeforces account here:


The top-scoring participants will also receive great prizes. Huawei will provide prizes to the 12 winners in both groups accordingly:

  • 1-4th place — HUAWEI P40 PRO
  • 5-8th place — HUAWEI MATEPAD PRO LTE
  • 9-12th place — HUAWEI WATCH GT 2E

In this video Andrey Tikhonov, the co-author of Cloud Scheduling Challenge will explain the basics of the task and describe some special cases and examples:

UPD: ICPC NERC Cloud Scheduling Challenge successfully finished! Thanks all for competing. Congratulations to winners with excellent results! In the video below Andrey Tikhonov will explain the problem solution:

Good luck to all participants!

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By NercNews, 5 years ago, translation, In English

Hello friends!


ICPCLive broadcast



This weekend we'll hold two large-scale final stages of important Championships in the region: ICPC Northern Eurasia Finals 2019 and Russia Open High School Team Programming Contest.

Competitions are traditionally held at several places: in St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty, Tbilisi and Kremenchuk. School teams will fight for the "Champions of Russia" Cup. Student teams will meet in a serious intellectual fight for places to the ICPC 2020 World Finals, which will be held on June 25 in Moscow. This is going to be the third final organized in our region.

Of course, join ICPCLive broadcasts for live-streaming from both events. Live streams are expected from the opening of the championship, both contests, and closing ceremonies.

UPD: Congratulations to teams of ICPC 2020 finalists!

  • SPb SU: 25 (Belichenko, Bykov, Petrov)
  • Nizhny Novgorod SU: Almost Retired (Daniliuk, Kalinin, Ryabchikova)
  • MIPT: Godnotent (Belykh, Golovanov, Sergunin)
  • SPb ITMO: 1 Standard deviation (Budin, Kirillov, Sayutin)
  • Innopolis: 1 (Gaivoronskiy, Khakimiyon, Yalalov)
  • HSE: Logarifmya4ka (Anoprenko, Romanov, Safonov)
  • Belarusian SU: #1 (Dubovik, Karabeinikau, Kernazhytski)
  • Latvia: 2 (Civkulis, Zajakins, Zajakins)
  • Moscow SU: NoNames (Chunaev, Kalendarov, Koshelev)
  • SPb HSE: Last Hope (Bogomolov, Labutin, Podguzov)
  • Saratov SU: 1 (Meshcheryakov, Petrov, Piklyaev)
  • Belarusian NTU: #1: Great team (Sheftelevich, Vasileuski, Zdanovich)
  • Kazan FU: 2 (Ilikayev, Kapralov, Yagafarov)
  • Yerevan SU: One Last Dance (Galstyan, Muradyan, Mikaelyan)
  • International IT University: 2 (Kuanyshbay, Niyazbekov, Khlinovskiy)
  • Belarusian SUIR: #2 (Shavel, Udovin, Vishneuski)


269 teams were invited to participate in the final stage of the competition. 128 of them will meet in Saint Petersburg in the historical park "Russia — is my history". 49 teams will compete in Barnaul, 56 teams — in Almaty and 18 teams will take part in the competition in Tbilisi and Kremenchuk.

The main round of the championship will begin this Saturday (30 November) at 10:00. As the tour starts, we'll add links for you to monitor results.

Some teams that have high chances of becoming Cup winners are listed in the table below:

Team City Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Rating
Power of Three St.Petersburg Ефремов Андрей
Гайнуллин Ильдар
Одинцов Андрей
Mex Foundation Moscow Лифарь Егор
Савкин Семён
Шеховцов Александр
Graneli Tbilisi Birkadze Nika
Toloraia Teimuraz
Basadzishvili Archil
а) Moscow Ушаков Фёдор
Федосеев Тимофей
Пискалов Дмитрий
Ого! Кажетсья это $#@! Moscow Логинов Игорь
Шуклин Максим
Садовничий Антон
Преимущественно овощи Kazan Миннахметов Булат
Харисов Булат
Исмагилов Азат

More teams with their total ratings you can see in the post. Thank you very much, ismagilov.code!

Northern Eurasia Finals

Student competitions will start this Sunday, December 1 at 9:30(Moscow time) at four sites: the historical Park in St. Petersburg, the Altai state technical University in Barnaul, the Georgian University of Business and Technology in Tbilisi and the Kazakh-British Technical University in Almaty.

Links to the results table, as well as the tasks of the contest will be provided soon after the start of the main round of the competition.

If you don't plan to participate in the semifinals, you can try your hand at the challenges of the Northern Eurasia finals in the mirror.

We're going to follow the teams and tell you about the news! Note that the results of this contest dictates which teams will be selected to represent the North Eurasia Region on World Finals ICPC 2020.

Some teams with their total ratings, which we're going to follow especially closely listed in a table below:

Team Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Rating
SPb ITMO: 1 Standard deviation Николай Будин
Дмитрий Саютин
Арсений Кириллов
MIPT: Godnotent Александр Голованов
Евгений Белых
Андрей Сергунин
Moscow IPT: Fennecs Дмитрий Григорьев
Николай Третьяков
Денис Шпаковский
NN SU: Almost Retired Алексей Данилюк
Николай Калинин
Валерия Рябчикова
"Belarusian SU: Belarusian SU #1" Егор Дубовик
Александр Керножицкий
Федор Коробейников
HSE: Logarifmya4ka Владимир Романов
Михаил Анопренко
Иван Сафонов
SPb SU: Havka — ne papstvo Егор Горбачев
Михаил Иванов
Савелий Григорьев
SPb SU 25 Дмитрий Беличенко
Никита Быков
Семен Петров
SPb SU: LOUD Enough Никита Гаевой
Иван Бочков
Владислав Макаров

Share with us your news, impressions, and photos with hashtags #NEF and #ВКОШП.

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By NercNews, 5 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everyone!


The season of Regional Qualifying Championships in the Northern Eurasian super-region is coming, and this weekend is up to hold an exciting competition between 8 regions!

7 qualifying rounds already passed in Belarus & Baltic States, South Russia & Volga regions. Champions of these quarter-finals earned their place to participate in the semi-finals at the Regional Championships. As usual, the final contest in Northern Eurasia will be held on December 1st, 2019! See the best in St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty and Tbilisi.

But now we would like to follow teams competing in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Yerevan, Almaty, Simferopol and Novosibirsk this Saturday 26 October! And of course, teams of Central Russia, which are going to participate in the championship in Yaroslavl on Sunday 27 October!

Join us to cheer for teams together and watch the online broadcast by the ICPCLive team! The broadcast will be provided by our lovely commentator and a member of the committee — Aksenov239. To be sure — the broadcast will be joined by guests, team coaches, other committee members, and organizers.

All important dates and results collected in the table below:

Southern and Volga Russia October 15 Moscow October 26
Armenia October 26 Central Russia October 27
Azerbaijan November 10 Georgia November 10
Kazakhstan October 26 Northwestern Russia October 26
Taurida October 26 Ural October 26
Belarus and Baltics October 24 Uzbekistan November 10
Kyrgyzstan November 3 Far Eastern Russia November 10
West Siberian October 26 East Siberian November 16

We will look for competitors and provide you the latest news and all the relevant information. Share your stories and photos with us by using the hashtag #NERC.

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By NercNews, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hello friends!


This weekend, on 8-9th of December — St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Kremenchug, Tbilisi, Almaty and Sochi will host the XIX Russia Team Open High School Programming Contest. Competition will be attended by more than 250 teams. Contest is held for the first time in Sochi this year -Educational Center “Sirius” will host nine teams.

The main contest will start on 9th of December at 10:00. You can follow current results by the link. Link to the tasks will be able right after the start of the tour.

A mirror will be available on Dec/09/2018 11:05 (Moscow time) – this is for those, who are not a participant, but also want to solve interesting problems! Do not join our broadcasts if you plan to take a part in the mirror. We warn you that, because of spoilers. And, of course, do not open the problem conditions before the start of the round.

If you do not want to participate in a mirror, be sure to join our broadcasts — in video format from the ICPCLive team and in text format in our Telegram-channel!

And if you want to come to the Russia Team High School Contest in St. Petersburg as a guest – just fill in the guest form and get your badge at the registration!

Our friend ismagilov.code has a post – follow this link to see a large set of commands with their total rating. Thank you for interesting information!

And please welcome some teams that stand a good chance to become Cup winners:

Team City Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Rating
Мертвые души Kazan + SPb scanhex 300iq Крамник Сергей 5641
Вова спит дома Moscow voidmax Aleksandr2754 Jatana 6854
Чудо Зверята! Almaty YaKon4ick 998batrr ruslanjan 6727
danya.smelskiy Kremenchuk Sonechko MaxZubec Nazikk 6701
Проблемы с Поллардом? SPb, Vsevolozhsk kkarnauk receed forestryks 6660
Komarovi+Mziuri 1 Tbilisi bruhh Temotoloraia baqargam 6597
Пурпурный виноград Moscow cookiedoth Kuyan TheWayISteppedOutTheCar 6558
Пыльная Испания Chelyabinsk Mlxa sava-cska liriKl 6529

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By NercNews, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Olá a todos!


Current Standings

The first winter weekend of the year would be tough for students who arrive to St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty and Tbilisi. On the 1-2 of December ITMO University, Altai State Technical University, European University and Kazakh-British Technical University will host the final contest of Northern Eurasia. Participants are going to face a serious competition – they will fight for the right to represent their university on the finals of the ICPC 2019 in April in Portugal.

At the ITMO University stage we also expect 131 teams, including the Champions and Vice-Champions (but, worth mentioning, NEERC Champions) from last year ICPC'18.

Stay tuned for the latest news and monitors from the competition! These guys will go to the Porto to represent our Northern Eurasian region! Participants of our region have been taken the Final ICPC Cup for the last seven years. Will they continue their series of victories? Will see!

UPD: To the finals ICPC 2019 were qualified 15 teams:

  1. Moscow SU 3 (Makeev, Reznikov, Ipatov)
  2. Moscow IPT 6 (Sergunin, Belykh, Stepanov)
  3. International IT U 1 (Satylkhanov, Baimukanov, Kuanyshbay)
  4. SPb ITMO University 2 (Poduremennykh, Naumov, Korobkov)
  5. SPb br of NRU HSE 1 (Ermilov, Fedorov, Labutin)
  6. U of Latvia 2 (Klevickis, Pretkalnins, Pakalns)
  7. SPb SU 5 (Grebennikov, Fadeeva, Zavarin)
  8. Belarusian SU 1 (Lukyanov, Rak, Kim)
  9. NRU HS of Economics 1 (Sakhabiev, Nikolenko, Gribov)
  10. Kazakh-British TU 1 (Amanov, Aman, Zhussupov)
  11. Saratov SU 1 (Androsov, Glazov, Dalabaev)
  12. Belarusian SUIR 1 (Mosko, Razhkou, Shilyaev)
  13. Tbilisi IBSU 1 (Ksovreli, Narushvili, Svanidze)
  14. Northern FU (Dyachkov, Guriev, Asyutchenko)
  15. Ural FU 6 (Permyakov, Zuev, Mullabaev)

Follow the official competition hashtag #NEERC and join a live video, organized by ICPCLive and, in person, Aksenov239.

We are pleased to notice that this year at the NEERC will be special! We host some unique guests from the Committee of the ICPC organization – the Executive Director of the ICPC, Dr. Bill Poucher and Deputy Executive Director of the ICPC, Dr. Jeff Donahue. We will passionate to hear some inspiring words for our teams from Bill! And, of course, don’t miss the interviews with our special guests live!

If you want to visit the championship as a guest – please fill out the form.

If you do not participate in the semifinals, you can try to solve problems from 23rd NEERC challenge in the mirror. It will start in a few minutes after the main round on December 2nd. The tasks will be provided in English only. The mirror is an unrated contest.

We have compiled a table of participating teams with the total Codeforces rating >= 7000. Who is your favorite thou?

Team Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Rating
Moscow SU: Red Panda Ipatov (LHiC) Reznikov (vintage_Vlad_Makeev) Makeev (V--o_o--V) 7788
Moscow IPT: Shock Content Stepanov(irkstepanov) Sergunin(AndreySergunin) Belykh(WHITE2302) 7689
Moscow IPT: Good Game Golovanov(Golovanov399) Uvarov(-imc-) Machula(mHuman) 7671
SPb SU 1 Gorbachev(peltorator) Ivanov(orz) Safonov(isaf27) 7638
SPb ITMO University 1 Sayutin(cdkrot) Kirillov(craborac) Drozdova(demon1999) 7604
Moscow IPT: Racoons Grigoryev(DmitryGrigorev) Tretyakov(ShadowLight) Shpakovskij(Denisson) 7440
SPb SU 2 Milshin(Morokei) Filippov(step_by_step) Fedorov(DaniilF) 7367
SPb ITMO University 2 Korobkov(romanasa) Poduremennykh(PoDuReM) Naumov(josdas) 7360
Moscow SU: NoNames Kalendarov(Andreikkaa) Koshelev(SendThemToHell) Chunaev(ch_egor) 7243
NRU HSE: IOI is not ICM, said MS Nikolenko(qoo2p5) Gribov(grphil) Sakhabiev(super_azbuka) 7052
Saratov SU #2 Androsov(BledDest) Dalabaev(adedalic) Glazov(Roms) 7000

Вoa sorte! Siga-nos:

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By NercNews, history, 7 years ago, In English


Let us introduce the new programming language in ICPC: Kotlin. It is modern and developing language created by our sponsor JetBrains. Kotlin is inspired by Java and as Java is named after the island. Currently, Kotlin programs are compiled into JVM bytecode, all Java written code can be used from Kotlin sources and Kotlin written code can be used from Java sources as well out of the box. Kotlin being developed now most of the standard libraries are Java library classes, making Kotlin a programing language that is already used in many projects being the main language of their development.

Comparing to Java language some Java disadvantages fixed and new features added. Some of them we will see in today's solution of ICPC World Finals 2016 problem C (101242C - Ceiling Function). Less boilerplate code and syntactic sugar added

  1. new operator omitted
  2. data classes implement hashCode, equals and toString methods depending on constructor parameters
  3. operator overloading
  4. with function, to implement a block of code, making captured value as this
  5. when operator providing better readability of conditional operator in some cases
  6. type inference (IDE supports hints on variable and function types, it's just you don't have to type it)
  7. functional programming style
import java.util.*

data class Tree(var left: Tree? = null, var right: Tree? = null) {
    var value = 0

operator fun Tree?.plus(x: Int): Tree? {
    if (this == null) return Tree().apply { value = x }
    if (x < value) {
        left += x
    } else {
        right += x
    return this

fun main(args: Array<String>) = with(Scanner(System.`in`)) {
    val n = nextInt()
    val k = nextInt()
    val a = Array(n) { IntArray(k) { nextInt() } }
    println( { it.fold(null, Tree?::plus) }.toSet().size)

You can try Kotlin at:

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