Hello! VKOSHP 2019 will begin on November 29, so we, like last year, decided to collect information on team ratings.
Here it is: https://standing.pythonanywhere.com/vkoshp/
Attention, changes to the table do not occur instantly. If you have any problems or you find a mistake, you can write in the comments or in PM @ismagilovcode.
And here are the teams that have good chances to become medalists this year:
Team | City | Participant 1 | Participant 2 | Participant 3 | Rating |
Power of Three | СПб | Ефремов Андрей![]() receed | Гайнуллин Ильдар![]() 300iq | Одинцов Андрей![]() forestryks | 8033 |
Mex Foundation | Москва | Лифарь Егор![]() kiyotaka | Савкин Семён![]() cookiedoth | Шеховцов Александр![]() Jatana | 7542 |
Graneli | Тбилиси | Birkadze Nika![]() bruhh | Toloraia Teimuraz![]() Temotoloraia | Basadzishvili Archil achi_basadzishvili | 7255 |
а) | Москва | Ушаков Фёдор![]() ---------- | Федосеев Тимофей dyrbulshchyl | Пискалов Дмитрий![]() TheWayISteppedOutTheCar | 7189 |
Ого! Кажетсья это $#@! | Москва | Логинов Игорь IgorI | Шуклин Максим xoxo | Садовничий Антон sadovan | 7092 |
Преимущественно овощи | Казань | Миннахметов Булат![]() Minnakhmetov | Харисов Булат Nutella3000 | Исмагилов Азат![]() ismagilov.code | 6912 |
Codewinter Genius | СПб | Харгелия Сергей UnstoppableChillMachine | Волков Иван Volkov_Ivan | Павленко Даниил D.Pavlenko | 6838 |
Без названия | Гомель + Мозырь | Костяной Андрей VEGAnn | Харрасов Антон ne4eHbKa | Мищенко Андрей andrew | 6752 |
Трави бобров спасай деревья | Москва | Фролов Константин fake123 | Скворцов Юрий iura | Усачев Данила![]() usachevd0 | 6716 |
Polit01-Nazik_number_one | Кременчуг | Мельник София![]() Sonechko | Куц Андрей Jajceslav | Фомюк Артём jaded | 6684 |
БКШ | Челябинск | Будников Михаил![]() Mlxa | Клищ Данил DanShaders | Шиляева Екатерина AlFlen | 6644 |
Три кота (два кота и одна кошечка) | Екатеринбург | Лахтин Иван![]() ialakhtin | Михайлов Виктор![]() Catmoonlight | Гладченко Алиса AliceG | 6598 |
Jigglypuff | Ереван | Андреасян Самвел Andreasyan | Абелян Александр enoone | Халатян Араи Arayi | 6585 |
три гендера на троих | Москва | Радионова Мария radmarale | Донской Станислав Stasana | Карпышев Сергей NekoKarp | 6583 |
Пожилая Маракуйя | Москва | Маркелов Игорь Siberian | Пустовалов Юрий talant | Некрасов Александр alexxela12345 | 6459 |
I believe for this kind of posts, https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/16986 is better than a simple sum. (For example 3500+500+500 is much stronger than 1500+1500+1500.)
Then it would be embarassing for other teams, like 300iq > few teams combined together...
300iq txdy
But not necessarily unrealistic.
Again... why is this on the main page?
So that 300iq is back to the main page while he dropped out from both top 10 lists
Because reasons. Actually no, there are no reasons. Because.
I agree this post is not too interesting to an international audience. In fact, I did not notice that the post has an English translation. I thought it is only in Russian. For a noticeable part of the Russian audience, it is interesting content: many website users are highschool students or follow school competitions in Russia. IMHO, the author did a good job, the statistics deserve attention. Unfortunately, Codeforces doesn't support to put the Russian translation to the title, but not the English.
Can I delete english version of this post?