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Amao_Fox's blog

By Amao_Fox, history, 18 months ago, In English

At first, I thought rating would take a while. As a result, I opened several leaderboards and waited for more than 20 minutes, but there was no page showing the row of changes of rating. Is this script really not working, is it not working during the competition, or is it purely because of our Chinese policy that I cannot access specific websites that script require?

Additionally, I am considering whether to abandon this script. It's not because it often doesn't work with me, but because I'm considering whether I need to cultivate my patience for waiting for rating changes and whether it can bring me greater emotional impact.

(Forgive my poor English)

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18 months ago, # |
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use the Carrot extension instead

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    18 months ago, # ^ |
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    Thanks a lot! But I've already recieved my rating change before now. Anyway, I'll try it at tonight's contest :)

18 months ago, # |
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It's really late in China. Okay, I'll check this post again tomorrow afternoon.