hey there ! /* . if u have a mentor or your rate > 1400 this blog isn't for u <3 . this roadmap is mine and isn't the best but i think it will be useful for u (better than nothing XD) .I'm not english native so my english isn't very good and the sources of topics i'll mention is arabic so i hope people mention english sources for this topics and sheets to practise on it ._anything you don't know search on youtube 'll find alot of videos
*/ in our start at training we need to balance between : 1.solving general problems (u don't topics needed to solve it 2. learning new topic and practise on it untill you be able to solve it's problems 3. contests (div 4, 3, 2, 1 ...etc) so our roadmap : 1. C+ basics ( conditions , loops , arrays ,functions ) and practise on it . 2. from this ladder enter handle >> div2 >>A and you will get 100 problem , solve the first 50 from them link : /*https://a2oj.netlify.app/ladders*/ 3 . learn STLS ( u don't need to learn how they work just learn thier basic functions ). 4. solve from the same ladder >>div2>>a the rest 50 problem 5. learn binary search , two pointers , static range queries 6 . from the same ladder div2>>B solve the first 50 7. now i guess u have the ability to solve A div2 and maybe B so it's time to know that problem on codeforces are divided according to difficulty (800 .. 3500 ) so we will start from 1000 and for each difficulty we will solve untill we able to solve it's problems (no matter time cause higher problems will make it easy ) and i think that 30 problems of each difficulty is enough and then from one to higher.
from problemset >> choose difficulty >> solve from 1000 as explained above untill 1200 and then learn recursion
solve untill 1400 and then learn graph (BFS, DFS ,Dijkstra )
10 . solve untill 1600 and then learn DP , then 1700 ,1800
- solve 15 problem 1900 and learn DSU
12 .another 15 problem and then learn segment tree from EDU part at codeforces
- solve 10 problems from (2000) , learn hashing
- if you intend to pariticipate at icpc so every week you enter a contest from GYM that similar to icpc style
15.waiting .....
general notes : _never see tags of problem and you can hide tags from the settings _ after step 1 u will always enter contests and some times when you stop entering contests for some time you maybe need to enter virtual contests _always try to up solve after contests _ there's topics like number theory and bitmasking these topics won't take time from you and you will learn it from problem or from searching _ read others codes _hv fun XD
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by My_LastGoodbye (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Mentor* not Monitor, bruh.
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"this roadmap is my" -> "this roadmap is mine"? :) I definitely agree with your point of having fun at the end!
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by My_LastGoodbye (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Auto comment: topic has been updated by My_LastGoodbye (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Auto comment: topic has been updated by My_LastGoodbye (previous revision, new revision, compare).