I decided to write for you some jokes as a reward for your efforts on Codeforces :)
Why did the bitwise operator feel powerful? Because it could shift anything.
Why did the dynamic programmer fail his test? He forgot to memorize his answers.
Why did the recursion go to therapy? It kept calling itself.
Why don't developers use elevators? They're afraid of infinite loops.
Why did the debugging session take so long? Because the bug had a recursive nature.
Why did the competitive programmer get kicked out of the bakery? He kept greedily taking all the bread.
If I succeeded in changing your mood, please give me an upvote :)
How about this one, Q. What is the difference between C++ and C? CPers:- Just 1.
next blog :)
to be fair, that is why it is called that
Get this guy to Specialist, NOW.
Thank you for your support :)
Another one:
Why did the programmer bury his roots? Square root decomposition
LOL hahah
Why did Jeff Dean's coding speed increased more than 20 times than before by the end of 2000?
He got a keyboard with USB-2.0 on it.
(As far as I know in Jeff Dean's Jokes, he could 'type' an executable file faster than the compiler.)
the elephant in the room
All of these are AI-generated
just like your code in the previous contest this
don't defend that you make variable names like merged_l and merged_r
CF, an fps game: First Person, Screaming "why can't the fking code listen to me"