Like in this days i was observing that the div 2 b question language they are making harder that is irrelevant , like see this question 2078B - Vicious Labyrinth and this one also 2075C - Two Colors , like in both question i was not able to know the question propelry how i can get to the correct approach please tell like in this question 2078B - Vicious Labyrinth , there is no mention of how the neighbour is spreading so everybody thinks like just take the max of sum of k+1 element , please reply don't judge me based on my rating please , and sorry for poor english
Hell obvious you should quit CP.
By *mainnahihoo, contest: Codeforces Round 998 (Div. 3), problem: (D) Subtract Min Sort,
, #, Copy
we wouldn't judge based on your rating, but you whine like your rating.
That Is the point. You should have the habilite of identify the problema, in real life, not aleays there Will be a explícito Situation ans a guide step a step, so here we improving our analitic thinking with práctica
You are rigth, they don't specific how the neigboors spands, so you can manage whatever you like
So the Solution for B Is the sum of the gratest k+1 elementos, except for a especial case