I am learning DP and I am a litle frustrated. I am stucked in this problem http://codeforces.net/problemset/problem/466/C I drew some pictures to find out some states this is the image http://i61.tinypic.com/de4rpe.jpg theres is a pattern in these pictures to get this formula n = n — 2 numberOfTotalCombinations = n * (n-1) / 2 the worst case(5 * 10^5) would be = 124999750000 and it will not pass. My questions Should I consider all the combinations? How to define my states? How I need to construct a DP solution based on the previous states? Thansk in advance and sorry for my bad english
No, you shouldn't consider all combinations. This is DP, it's all about avoiding cases where you can't get a result. This problem is solved this way: Let: x=sum(k=1, i-1)a[k]; y=sum(k=i, j)a[k]; z=sum(k=j+1, n)a[k]; and s=sum(k=1, n)a[k], the sum of all numbers in the array We observe that x+y+z=s, and how x=y=z (that's what the problem states) => 3*x=3*y=3*c=z, thus x=y=z=s/3. You can figure it out from here, but here is the rest of the solution (dont't read unless you gave up on the problem): Let v be an array such as v[i]=sum(k=1, i)a[k]. If vn is not divisible by 3, that means we can't divide s into three equal parts. Now, we will work with the sums in the array v. So, how x=y=z=s/3, we need to find all sums equal with s/3. The number of ways we can achieve that sum is the number of x's we can obtain. Afterwards, when we can no longer obtain s/3, we try to obtain 2*s/3 (from array v), that is x+y. When we find one, we add the number of ways of getting x to the solution. The code looks something like this: http://codeforces.net/contest/466/submission/11713930
If you consider all possible combinations, then it's not DP, but brute froce. Anyway, this problem is something else.
Let S be the sum of all elements. First of all, if that sum is not a multiple of 3, then the answer is 0. OK, now calculate Li, which means how many positions p are there with p ≤ i such that the sum of all elements from 1 to p is equal to
. Then iterate from the right (from N down to 1) and keep track of the sum of all elements so far. If at position i, that sum is
, add Li - 2 to the answer (you must have at least one element in the middle section).