Hey Codeforces!
We’d like to invite you to take part in our AIM Tech Mini Marathon 1 to be held this Thursday on the 1st of February at 7 pm MSK.
This is unrated competition. All the participants will be challenged with only one problem, which doesn’t have a fast and full solution and 3 hours to solve it. Solutions will be evaluated independently on each test. The exact formula of points per test will be given in the problem statement. The score for the contest is a sum of scores for each test. You can participate in contest as a team, 3 members maximum.
All the tests will be released at the very beginning of the competition. They will be used both for preliminary and final testing. You will be also provided with a checker and a visualizer, written in Python3. You can find environment setup instruction below. Local checker and vizualizer run is optional, but could help finding the solution. Your solution can be written in any language that is supported by codeforces.
AIM Tech Mini Marathon 1 will take place during the Petrozavodsk training camp, which is traditionally sponsored by AIM Tech. At the end of the competition first five teams will be awarded with AIM Tech T-shirts.
The Marathon was prepared by AIM Tech team: ArtDitel, Kostroma, SirShokoladina, zeliboba, Edvard, zloyplace35.
Special thanks to Mike Mirzayanov MikeMirzayanov for Codeforces and Polygon and to the problems coordinator Nickolay Kalinin KAN for his help with the competition arrangements.
AIM Tech is a high frequency trading company based in Moscow. The key words that describe the essence of our work are big data, low latency and HFT. Effective C++ coding, algorithmic mindset and the mathematical intuition are all very handy in our work. That’s why most of our employees are the winners of different programming and math contests. At free time AIM Tech team usually takes part in various programming competitions as well as challenges itself at hiking and mountaineering.
For more information on AIM Tech follow us on aimtech.com, facebook or instagram. Also feel free to write us any time via CF, VK, FB, Telegram or simply e-mail us. We are open to answer any of your questions including job openings.
We wish you all luck and high rating!
To run visualizer you need python3 with ‘pillow’ library. You can download Python3 here: https://www.python.org/downloads/. To install pillow simply run pip3 install pillow
on Linux, Windows or MacOs. To check that everything works properly create a script file test.py
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
im = Image.new("RGB", (128, 128))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.line((0, 0) + im.size, fill=128)
draw.line((0, im.size[1], im.size[0], 0), fill=128)
del draw
and run it: python test.py
. You will see a red cross with black background.
Please feel free to write a comment below.
UDP. There is no limit on a number of PCs in this contest, you may use up to one PC per participant
TCP. Every test will have it's own separate task, so every task will have only one test
IGMP. You can download the password-protected archive with tests and checked by any of the given links:
Password: aimtechiscool
. Please you only one of these links, not all
HTTP. Contest is over, congratulations for the winners:
- ИТМО 1: SpyCheese, izban, Belonogov 1191.717
- sdya 1188.534
- Moscow IPT: Shock Content: amethyst0, AndreySergunin 1179.33
- UW3: znirzej, tabasz, tribute_to_Ukraine_2022 1157.526
- Warsaw U: KMR: Errichto, Radewoosh, mareksom 1152.257
- Helsinki U: Ukkonen Fan Club: Hansuzu, mango_lassi, kllp 1152.007
- admarkov 1145.181
- MS TSV: grphil, voidmax, kiyotaka 1115.304
- Vilnius University #1: AllSubmissionsMatter: JustasK, Darius0021, jDomantas 1112.618
- Ural FU: Dandelion: Um_nik, Merkurev 1112.112
Please write your opinions in comments
What are the minimum and maximum number of members each team can have?
You can participate in contest as a team, 3 members maximum.
Ty, fixed my post
Sounds interesting. Will the problem remain available for upsolving after the round?
I believe so
This is unrated competition.
We wish you all luck and high rating!
Why not to wish it? :) It's like to wish a Merry Christmas
This is unrated competition = Not change CF rate.
We wish you all luck and high rating! = We wish high position on contest.
How do we register? I don't have a link to register on the registration page?
Registration will be opened in 14h :( Sorry, it does not depend on us
it will be a great joy. tnQ for contest (;
Are we going to be able to send solutions after contest ends?
Auto comment: topic has been updated by ArtDitel (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Hope you enjoy this round. Wish everyone luck.
we prefer c++ not python or something else!
You can write and submit solutions in any language that is supported by codeforces. But you will need python3 installed in order to run visualizer locally. This is optional and you can always solve without visulalizer
Why red?)
Is it rated?
Is the problem some kind of artificial intelligence? or a hard competitive one?
Something in between ;)
command python3 doesnt working, use python
in windows yes
As you told "All the tests will be released at the very beginning of the competition."
I have a confusion. You will give input and output for every test or you will give only input..
Of course only inputs :)
you can write solution in any language. You don't need to know python to run checker, us just need to install it in your system
Auto comment: topic has been updated by ArtDitel (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Can you please tell us more detail ??? Will it be just like IOI interactive problems ??? I am not sure .....
just wait till constest start and you will be able to read the statement
Auto comment: topic has been updated by ArtDitel (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Can anyone upload the file to pan.baidu.com or somewhere else? Google and dropbox are both blocked in China mainland :(
Please, try this link https://yadi.sk/d/JNXDLeH63RzaCi Does it work for you?
It worked! Thank you a lot!
one of the amazing mazes made by the awesome setters,it is a zoomed out image of the huge maze!! i enjoyed a lot today! thanks to you all!! ArtDitel, Kostroma, SirShokoladina, zeliboba, Edvard, zloyplace35
And I was so stupid that I did even try to solve #08 manually by first drawing the actual path for the "actual maze", and then hardcoding those directions to ".abc" with trial and error.
Anyway, I still enjoyed solving it :P
well thats what we did!! we could figure out the pattern in the 5th and 14th maze and then we manually wrote a program! :P lol, but it was amazing!!
Thanks for sharing this! I only looked at tests 1, 2, 3, 5 and 14 during the contest so I totally missed this beautiful art lol

And I just got curious to what my program does so here's some zigzag:
May I know why the following two outputs for #01 give different score?
This got 15.973pts with
made_ops: 18
:While this got 16.013pts with
made_ops: 17
:Did I miss anything from the statement? I am just curious...
Citations from the statement:
The robot will fulfill your commands sequentially until it exits the labyrinth...
Each loop counter check counts as a command fulfilled by the robot.
So 2nd program will make 1 operation less than 1st, as it reaches the exit before last counter check.So it is meaning that
was counted once more in the first code? So sad that I didn't realize it... :(That was really interesting, thank you for that!
It was a really great contest! I enjoy a lot solving those problem!
I never used keys (excepting for problem 11). What was the simpler approach to use keys to improve the solution. I think about hard coding several problems where really obvious shortcuts exist, but I was too lazy to do that.
It would be really nice to read about smart solutions/ideas.
very inspiring problem!
thanks aim tech for problem-setting!