Given two arrays A and B of size n and m respectively. We can choose an element from A and one from B such that C=Ai + Bj . We have to compute all possible ways to from a sum C and also all unique sums.
0<A,B<=10^5 // Size of array A and B
Sample I/P:-
2 3 //Size of array A and B
5 6 // Elements of array A
2 2 3 //Elements of array B
Sample O/P:-
7 2
8 3
9 1
Explanation:- 7 can be formed in two ways by A1+B1 , A1+B2 (using 1-based indexing)
8 can be formed in 3 ways by A1+B2 , A2+B1 , A2+B2
9 can be formed in 1 way by A2+B3
Please help me with a solution less than (n*m).
Have a look on my code:- Link here
Is there any other constrain on the problem? In worst case there could be n * m distinct sums and the time complexity just to output them would be O(n * m).
This problem is the most basic application of FFT. Consider two polynomails p1(x) = x^a1 + x^a2 + .. + x^an and p2(x) = x^b1 + x^b2 + ... + x^bm. Multiplying these polynomials would give your answer. Multiplication can be done using fft. Say after multiplication, you get p3(x) = c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2 + ... + ck*x^k. Coefficient of x^k will give you the number of ways to get k as a sum.
This would have been correct if values in the arrays A and B were small, but unfortunately Ai, Bi ≤ 109.
Oh sry, I read A,B <= 10^5 and thought these were the coefficients. My bad!
The values are upto 10^6 , sorry about the wrong constraints. Thank you for the approach.
Is this from Codechef's certification exam? In that case the constraint was
My solution was the same as mentioned by aviroop123 and it gave 100 points.
That's impossible. Consider following example:
Ai = i, Bi = M * i, where M = 104. You have to write at least 2 * 109 numbers. Obviously that's impossible within 4s.