goboy's blog

By goboy, 7 months ago, In English

Hi MikeMirzayanov,


Dhruvil accepted that he cheated and tried to show himself as innocently as possible, but deep down, we know that once a cheater is always a cheater; he has an IGM friend from whom he can cheat again to regain the rating.

We know he has cheated many times and had the problems of that contest in advance. Leaving that aside, the penalty imposed on Dhruvil is almost useless. It's as if you just unrated the contest for him.

No negative rating for cheating/skipped, no account suspension. If someone selects "only rated" in contests, no one can see he skipped the solution. I'll also cheat from now on, and if I am caught, I'll write a useless, sympathy-gaining apology blog, and boom, my solutions are only skipped with no effect.

I request you to either ban his ID or at least give some rating penalty as a punishment, here you just skipped his contest without any penalty, which I assume isn't a penalty.

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