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my_tempo's blog

By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English

I tried reporting a cheating channel with a clear note of why I was doing so, but I checked it again now and it's still there, having 60 members(twice of when i last checked).
Why does Telegram not take this seriously? I don't know if it makes a difference but given that codeforces is sponsored by telegram, maybe doing it should have been much easier?
Moreover I think that if this happens, it would wipe out most of the cheaters. Talking of alternatives such as WhatsApp, I don't think much people will risk their phone number exposed while being on that group. And I don't know of discord, maybe it takes reports more seriously?

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By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English


My approach

I just need to know what will be the correct transition of states using my approach. Or , if there is any other easier way to declare the states.

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By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English

I was trying out previous year's round 1 of Code Jam and most of the time, I am getting the right logic(even for C) but implementing it seems like a nightmare... Is it just me or are they really implementation heavy?

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By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English

Is there a way to have a virtual contest of the previous year's Google Code Jam?
I'm just curious because I want to know where would I stand if I gave it at that time.

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By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English

Take a quick look at this problem.
According to the given definitions of the functions, doesn't it make f(x,y) = gcd(x,y)?!
I can't think of why it's not true but the solution using this assumption is giving wrong answer.
I think I am missing something but I don't know what it is..

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By my_tempo, 4 years ago, In English

I was trying to use the FastOlympicCoding package of Sublime. The only problem is that I dont know how to continuously change seed of the random function on each test case.
And srand(time(NULL)) is taking too much time (1 sec) to change the seed value so it's not good either.
I saw on other blogs that we can do this by changing the arguments for of int main but I have no idea how to do this kind of stuff in this package.

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By my_tempo, history, 4 years ago, In English

Problem Link
I think it would be optimal to fill zeros starting from (m,m) and then at a gap of 2*m-2 in each row(because we will cover that much squares of size m*m).
So the minimum zeros required would be around n/(2*m-1)
Same will happen for columns, So the answer should be somewhere around (n/(2*m-1))^2 after just taking care of n%(2m-1) remaining cells.
But on the editorial, It is saying that minimum number of zeros should be (n/m)^2, Can someone tell where am I going wrong?

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By my_tempo, history, 4 years ago, In English

Link It's a simple problem with a simple solution, But still I'm not able to figure out why is there runtime error on a couple of test cases.


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