serialcomder's blog

By serialcomder, 7 weeks ago, In English
  1. Create an alt and register for the contest

  2. Pray that you are in the same room as your alt

  3. Send dumb solutions for problem A

  4. Keep hacking

  5. When bombarded by blogs which expose you just comment:

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By serialcomder, history, 16 months ago, In English

are Codeforces Global Rounds discontinued? the year is about to end and we've not seen one

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By serialcomder, history, 2 years ago, In English

Hey, I came across this problem in a course interview I am not sure how to solve it.

We are given a set of $$$n$$$ intervals, let's call it $$$S$$$. Now, we have to output any subset $$$T$$$ of $$$S$$$ such that all the intervals in $$$T$$$ are pairwise disjoint (non-overlapping) and all the intervals in $$$S \smallsetminus T$$$ should intersect with exactly one interval from $$$T$$$.

I am really curious to know what the solution could be.

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