By Kuroni, history, 6 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

I'm glad to introduce you to Codeforces Round 558 (Div. 2), which will take place on May/09/2019 18:05 (Moscow time).

You will have 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them. Two problems will have subtasks. Round will be rated for everyone with rating below 2100. Participants from the first division can also participate out of competition as usual.

The problems were prepared by me, neyuQ, Shirone, and GreymaneSilverfang. I would like to thank cdkrot for his immense help during the round preparation, 300iq, mohammedehab2002, and Um_nik for testing them, and of course MikeMirzayanov for the Codeforces and Polygon platforms.

In the contest, you will meet Kuro, Shiro, Katie, and Selena, the four naughty but smart cats who love playing and asking questions. I hope you will find our problems interesting.

I will be in the community Discord server after the contest to discuss the problems with you. You can find the server here!

Good luck!

UPD1: Problem B and C will have 2 subtasks. The scoring distribution will be 500 — (750 + 500) — (1000 + 750) — 2250 — 2750 — 3250.

UPD2: The contest will be delayed by 15 minutes due to technical reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience :(

UPD3: Final standings!

Div. 1:

  1. ainta (the only contestant to finish all problems!)

  2. dreamoon_love_AA

  3. hank55663

  4. tfg

  5. pmnox

Div. 2:

  1. xht37

  2. Ekoos

  3. beka_asd

  4. bbao69

  5. OIerDb

The editorial is available here. Thank you for participating!

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By MikeMirzayanov, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

Today I’ve released an important update of the Polygon — partial support for advanced properties of resources. The main task that is being solved by this update is to support the development of problems with graders.

In most competitions, participants need to submit a complete solution code, including reading an input reading and an output writing. For example, in Codeforces rounds you solve such kind of problems. However, in some competitions another approach is using: a participant needs to implement the required function or interface.

For example, in a problem statement can be written that in a C ++ solution you need to implement a function that has prototype int sum (int a, int b) and submit the implementation. In this case, a participant has to submit a source code that contains the implementation of this function. Then, in the process of judging this solution for such a problem, an online judge should compile and link into a single executable file the file sent by the participant and a special jury-prepared file that contains the rest of the necessary code (in particular, there will be the function main).

In the case of problem ``A + B’’, such file, which is called a grader, might look like (grader.cpp):

#include <iostream>
int sum(int a, int b);
int main() {
	int a, b;
	std::cin >> a >> b;
	std::cout << sum(a, b) << std::endl;

A solution might look like:

int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

Therefore, a grader cannot be independently compiled into an executable file: it also needs a solution to the problem.

And now basic support for such problems in Polygon has been implemented (thanks to PavelKunyavskiy and cannor147 for the help!). I've started with C++ support only.

In order to add grader files, you must upload them as resources, specifying additional advanced properties: that resources are applicable to cpp.* language group, that they are compile-time resources and that solutions need to be compiled with them.

After adding such resources, while compiling solutions, they will be in the same folder with the solution, and those resources that are C++ files will be appended to the compiler command line.

Please note that all additional information for resources is available in the problem descriptor file problem.xml. Also, API is updated (see the documentation for the methods problem.files and problem.saveFile).

Later, the support of some other languages will be added. Also, I’ll add a feature to attach resources in a similar way not to solutions only, but also to validators/integrators/checkers. Of course, you can expect support for such kind of problems on Codeforces. I note that such problems can be used not only in olympiads/contests but also in the educational process. For example, I can easily imagine an exercise on Java, where you need to implement a given interface, and all other routines (unit tests and other things) are hidden in resources files.

P.S. The support of graders appeared for a special reason: today in Russia begins the IOI training camp. The best high school students will compete for the right to represent Russia on International Olympiad in Informatics. I hope, this feature will help the scientific committee to write new problems. And I wish participants every success and luck!

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By kpw29, 6 years ago, In English

Hey! Together with Meet IT Foundation, we're delighted to present Camp IT!

So, what is it actually about? The main objective is to provide a place for development and networking for young programmers. This relates not only to algorithmic olympiads, but also to computer science activities of any kind!

Yet another IOI camp? Of course not! Although you will spend some time during the day doing IOI-styled problems, there are also Practice Activities and Evening Activities which aim to show you cool parts of computer science and give entertainment after a day of hard work.

Who can apply? You can apply if you're under $$$21$$$. Don't forget you need to fill in the Applicant Questionnaire, for which the time is May 2019.

What about money? We're happy to announce that you can attend Camp IT not caring about economical issues. We cannot reimburse travel costs, however.

If you would like to know more, refer to:

Camp IT website: Click!,

Meet IT website: Click!,

Meet IT Facebook Fanpage: Click!

See you in September! =)

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By MikeMirzayanov, 6 years ago, In English

What do you know about real Mathforces? This is a world full of numbers, theorems and formulas. Are you ready for the adventure full of challenges and dangers in a new world?

Our friends from Harbour.Space University, the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM) and St. Paul's International School Barcelona for the second time organize Tech Scouts — two week International summer camp for high school students. I really think it is a valuable and useful initiative.

For some participants the organizers cover participation fee, the decision is based on the results in special online math test and phone interview.

I invite you to take part in Mathforces: Tech Scouts Online Test 2018 (just fun and practice, unofficial, unrated). It was offered to candidates a year ago, in 2018. This year participants can use it as a practice. I think for many of you it will be interesting to compare your math skills. It starts on May/05/2019 11:05 (Moscow time).

The duration of the test will be 2 hours. You will be offered about 20 math questions. Each of them are expected to be solved using math skills. Please refrain from writing code and try to solve problems without any programming.

You can skip questions or re-submit answers during the test. All the answers will be judged after the test ends. Each question costs 1-3 points in case of the correct answer. Please, do not share your answers before the end of the test.

For sure, the test will be unrated.

Please refrain from participation if you have already participated in this test last year.

UPD 1: The problems will be in English.

UPD 2: The tutorials are published.

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By Lewin, 6 years ago, In English

Hello again Codeforces!

The Forethought Future Cup Final round will start on May 4th, 10:05am PDT. This round will be rated for everyone. There will be three separate rounds, one for onsite contestants, one for div1, and one for div2. Onsite and div1 will have the same problems. Each round will have 6 problems and be 2 hours long.

Here is a table of the onsite contestants.

scott_wu neal ACRush Fdg Ra16bit
Kenny_HORROR liymbear ll931110 xiaowuc1 Suzukaze
yzyz stevenkplus pmnox OpalDshawn NEU20133823
tap_tapii Svlad_Cjelli Emiso davidberard gojira
dinosaurs batyrkhan14 robot-dreams kfqg

The onsite round has cash prizes:

  • 1st: $500
  • 2nd: $250
  • 3rd: $100
  • 4th — 10th: $50

Thanks to ismagilov.code, mohammedehab2002, Jeel_Vaishnav, Learner99, 300iq, dojiboy9, vlyubin, y0105w49, KAN, arsijo for testing and coordination. Also, thanks to cyand1317 for one of the problems. Of course, thanks to MikeMirzayanov for Codeforces and Polygon, and for allowing us to host the round.

There might be some interactive problems again, so please read the interactive problem guide if you haven't before.

If you're still interested in applying, please fill out the form.


UPD 1 The scoring distribution will be:

  • Div2: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-3000
  • Div1: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-3250

UPD 2 Pictures from the onsite round:

UPD 3: I'm sorry, but to prevent the leak of onsite results, we will postpone the start of system testing a bit. As soon as the closing ceremony finish at Forethought office, we will immediately start the system testing of the rounds. Until this time, the rounds will be hidden. But don't panic, this will only be temporary and we will return everything soon.

UPD 4: The results will be in around 90 minutes after the end of the competition.

UPD 5: Tutorial:

UPD 6: Congratulations to the winners:

Onsite contest:

1 scott_wu
2 ACRush
3 neal
4 xiaowuc1
5 Svlad_Cjelli
6 Ra16bit
7 ll931110
8 stevenkplus
9 yzyz
10 pmnox

Div 1 contest:

1 Benq
2 Petr
3 Errichto
4 aid
5 Endagorion

Div 2 contest:

1 Ezys
2 nitishk24
3 gonP
4 trabbbart
5 EvgeniyZh

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By Harbour.Space, history, 6 years ago, In English

Codeforces! This is a special announcement!

Last year, we had a contest for Tech Scouts, our two week International Summer Camp of Science, Technology, Design and Leadership held in July. The top performers received a full tuition waiver to attend the camp free of charge!

This year, it’s on again — same rules, same prize...round 2. Are you ready?

What it is?

Harbour.Space University, the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM) and St. Paul's International School Barcelona have designed a special online test for high school students, to take place on May 5th at 15.00 CET Time.

We’ve prepared it to test your level in both maths and computer science, and, similarly to last year, the top performers have a chance to win two weeks in Tech Scouts: our maths and computer science summer camp for gifted youth. The camp, created for high school pupils aged 12-18, will take place from the 8th to the 19th of July in Barcelona, Spain, and is taught entirely in English.

How it works?

You can take part in the online test if all the following conditions are met:

  1. Between the ages of 12 to 18,
  2. Have not graduated from high school
  3. Eligible to take part in IOI/IMO 2020.

The top performers of the online contest will be invited for a personal interview to demonstrate understanding of the problems solved during the contest. After the test, the most successful performers will be interviewed and awarded a full tuition waiver to attend the advanced level of the Advanced Technical Track of Tech Scouts alongside the winners of ITYM and Catalan Olympiad of Informatics.

Tech Scouts is designed to lay out the foundation of knowledge in mathematics and computer science for the next phase of higher learning. During a two-week intensive training, the students will follow a college level curriculum and discover their passions by getting to know one of Europe’s leading institutions in technology, design, and entrepreneurship.

In order to register for the contest, please fill out this form before May 3rd, 2019. All participants of the contest will get a 20% discount link to attend Tech Scouts.

Register →

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! If not, best of luck with the contest, and we hope to see you guys soon!

Until then, you can keep up with Harbour.Space by checking out our Instagram :)

Happy coding! Harbour.Space University

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By awoo, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces!

On May/01/2019 17:35 (Moscow time) Educational Codeforces Round 64 (Rated for Div. 2) will start.

Series of Educational Rounds continue being held as Harbour.Space University initiative! You can read the details about the cooperation between Harbour.Space University and Codeforces in the blog post.

This round will be rated for the participants with rating lower than 2100. It will be held on extended ICPC rules. The penalty for each incorrect submission until the submission with a full solution is 10 minutes. After the end of the contest you will have 12 hours to hack any solution you want. You will have access to copy any solution and test it locally.

You will be given 7 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

The problems were invented and prepared by Roman Roms Glazov, Adilbek adedalic Dalabaev, Vladimir vovuh Petrov, Ivan BledDest Androsov, Maksim Neon Mescheryakov and me. Also huge thanks to Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for great systems Polygon and Codeforces.

Good luck to all participants!

Our friends at Harbour.Space also have a message for you:

Hi Codeforces!

Harbour.Space University, the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians (ITYM) and St. Paul International School Barcelona have designed a special online test for high school students, to take place on May 5th at 15.00 CET Time.

You can take part in the online test if all the following conditions are met:

  1. Between the ages of 12 to 18,
  2. Have not graduated from high school
  3. Eligible to take part in IOI/IMO 2020.
Register (before May 3) →

After the test, all participants will get a 20% discount link to attend Tech Scouts, the two-week summer camp we run from the 8th-19th of July in one of Barcelona's leading international schools, St.Paul’s, and the most successful performers will be interviewed and awarded a full tuition waiver to attend the advanced level of the Advanced Technical Track of Tech Scouts.

In order to register for the contest, please fill out this form before May 3rd, 2019.

We would love to see you guys at our camp this year — if you’re interested in joining, or if you just want to know more, just head over to the Tech Scouts website.

UPD: There are some minor issues with one of the problems, we'll use one of lesser-known problems by Maxim Babenko.

Congratulations to the winners:

Rank Competitor Problems Solved Penalty
1 step_by_step 7 491
2 LorentzianExpanders 6 270
3 receed 6 280
4 I_love_Tanya_Romanova 6 286
5 dreamoon_love_AA 6 299

Congratulations to the best hackers:

Rank Competitor Hack Count
1 halyavin 64:-3
2 WileE.Coyote 39:-23
3 wzw19991105 18:-1
4 LiM_256 14:-1
5 patriot1488 2
153 successful hacks and 180 unsuccessful hacks were made in total!

And finally people who were the first to solve each problem:

Problem Competitor Penalty
A halyavin 0:06
B nuip 0:07
C quailty 0:04
D waynetuinfor 0:11
E step_by_step 0:05
F step_by_step 0:15
G step_by_step 1:22

UPD2: The editorial is out.

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By Gassa, history, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hi all!

From April 30th to May 14th, Codeforces will host VRt Contest: the second contest organized by VeeRoute. VeeRoute is the developer of planning and management software for transportation and multimodal logistics.

Contest participants will have to solve an optimization problem where local optimization is challenging. The task is similar to those that VeeRoute has to solve regularly. Since the format is nothing like a standard Codeforces round, the contest will be unrated.


Everyone is welcome to take part in the contest. The consest is for individual participation, with no restrictions on age or division.


  • I place — 75 000 RUB (1155 USD)
  • II place — 50 000 RUB (770 USD)
  • III place — 25 000 RUB (385 USD)

Additionally, top 25 participants will get a VRt T-shirt.

Good luck to all participants, and have a great contest!

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Announcement of VRt Contest 2019 (marathon)
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By mnbvmar, 6 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

I'm so happy to invite you to Codeforces Round 556 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 556 (Div. 2)! The rounds will be held on Apr/29/2019 17:35 (Moscow time). The round will be rated for both divisions. (At least that's what I've been told!)

The problems were written and prepared by me. Thanks to 300iq for the round coordination, and to Radewoosh for his invaluable help with choosing the problemset and testing the problems! Also, I want to give a shout-out to MikeMirzayanov for his amazing Codeforces and Polygon platforms!

My browser's tab bar, right now.

You'll work on 5 problems, and you will have 2 hours to solve them. The scoring distribution will be revealed closer to the round.

def get_end_remark():
    return random.choice([
        "Wish everyone high ratings!",
        "Good luck!",
        "Have fun!",
        "Please, read all the problems!"])

UPD 1: The scoring distribution time!

Div 2: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2250 — 2750

Div 1: 500 — 1250 — 1750 — 2500 — 2750

Also, thanks to cdkrot, vintage_Vlad_Makeev and qwertyland who contributed to the round testing!

UPD 2: The round is over! Sorry for misbalancing the difficulties in Div2, it was totally unexpected for us. Meanwhile, you can have a look at the editorial!

UPD 3: We finished the system tests. Congratulations to the winners!

Div 1:

  1. Um_nik
  2. DearMargaret
  3. maroonrk
  4. Reyna
  5. LHiC

Div 2:

  1. jiangly
  2. Simplicity
  3. Netherdrake
  4. C137
  5. kobor

Also, a shout-out to the first solvers of each task!

Div 1 Div 1 Task Div 2 Div 2
Stock Arbitraging 1:57 Ahmad
Tiling Challenge 3:43 Nazarbek_Baltabaev
Petr 2:06 Prefix Sum Primes 4:20 JamesWilson
ko_osaga 16:27 Three Religions 48:20 jiangly
ainta 28:45 Tree Generator™ 109:53 lzoilxy
Petr 53:52 Abandoning Roads
DearMargaret 83:10 Election Promises

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