By skywalkert, 6 years ago, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

We intend to share some ACM-ICPC regional contests with you! Here is one of them.

An online-mirror contest of 2018-2019 ACM-ICPC, Asia Nanjing Regional Contest will start on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 18:00 (UTC+8). You may register for this contest 6 hours before it starts, but it is temporarily inaccessible before registration starts.

By the way, this contest will consist of 13 problems and you can solve them within 5 hours.

Wish you will learn great experience through that time!


There is another online-mirror contest, The 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest (Mirror), which will be held at on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 12:00 (UTC+8), a week before the contest on Gym!

This contest is prepared by our friends from Zhejiang University and indeed a very interesting contest. If you are eager to participate, please do not hesitate to register a handle on it and take part in time!

P.S. Please do not discuss any solution before contests are finished. Thanks for your cooperation.

UPD1: Ranking that suits for Gym has been parsed from data provided by the host school (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics). Enjoy it.

UPD2: Registration starts. You may view this page to register.

UPD3: In order to be consistent with the onsite one, the duration is extended by 10 minutes.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hi Codeforces.

I am glad to share a small but useful update of Polygon, which was fully developed by me in the walls of ITMO. Now preparing problems with unusual I/O will become a little easier.

Now in the new problems you will get examples in the statements without any transformations by LaTeX/HTML. If earlier you had difficulties with the correct formatting of empty lines or the fact that a double hyphen is replaced with a dash, now there are no such difficulties. The enhancement works for both PDF and HTML statements.

For example, to have such I/O examples just add such a test and use the appropriate output from the model solution.

Note that the feature to overwrite the examples is stayed working (custom content of input or output data for statements). It seems that there are almost no reasons to use it for an input now (apparently, only for interactive problems).

Previously created problems use the old approach, so this innovation should not break existing problems.

How do you like the feature?

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By arsijo, 6 years ago, In English


I am happy to announce that Lyft Level 5 Challenge 2018 — Final Round will be held in Palo Alto on 04.11.2018 21:10 (Московское время). The official round contains six problems and will last for two hours.

Winners will receive:

  • First place: $2000
  • Second place: $1000
  • Third place: $500

Here is the list of onsite finalists:

tourist LHiC scott_wu ksun48 Marcin_smu
matthew99 ecnerwala Kostroma RomaWhite Errichto
ACRush *ikatanic ilyakor Arterm zxqfl
desert97 Fdg neal KADR liympanda
LiChenKoh fmqjpt waterfall liymbear xiaowuc1
azneyes chenmark balakrishnan *YerzhanU

If you are interested in an internship or a job at Lyft, follow the link below.

Interested in an internship or a job at Lyft?

If you are not participating in the Final Round, you will be able to take part in rated open divisions. Each of them contains six problems and will last for two and a half hours.

This round was prepared by _h_, Lewin, majk, Noam527, stanislav.bezkorovainyi, and me.

Thank you to 300iq, cdkrot, BigBag, danya.smelskiy, Fekete, MrDindows, Nazikk, Sonechko, winger, MaxZubec for help with testing.

Special thanks to KAN for helping me with coordinating, MikeMirzayanov for Polygon and Codeforces, and Lyft for organizing this competition.

If you have never solved interactive problems before, please read this.

Scoring distribution:

Div1 and onsite:




We have onsite issues, the contest was postponed by at least 5 minutes.

Because of the onsite round, the system testing will be in an hour after the round.

Contest is over!

Congratulations to the winners!

Onsite competition:

1 tourist
2 scott_wu
3 ecnerwala
4 RomaWhite
5 Errichto
6 ACRush
7 Arterm

Div 1:

1 Radewoosh
2 mnbvmar
3 Benq
4 DearMargaret
5 Reyna

Div 2:

1 mrscherry
2 Kekmaster
3 brandonzhang
4 ponda
5 ---Grigor---

Editorial is available here.

Are you looking for photos from the onsite round? It is here.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 6 years ago, translation, In English

Hi Codeforces!

Meet a small innovation on Codeforces — difficulties of problems (and at the same time a new widget filtering problems in the archive). For all the problems of the archive, I’ve calculated the difficulties in the scale of the rating of participants. Approximately this means that if the rating of the problem is equal to yours, then on a typical round you would solve the problem with a probability of 0.5. And, in general, if your rating is ri, and the problem rating is rj, then the problem during the round can be solved approximately with probability:

For example, if the rating of a problem is less than yours by 200, then the expected probability of solving the problem is 0.75. With a difference of 400 rating points, the probability increases to 0.9.

For convenient search of problems in the archive, you can now use a special widget:

With it, you can find not only problems that have all the chosen tags, but also which have at least one tag from the list.

A difficulty of a problem is also displayed when choosing problems in a mashup.

I hope that now you will be able to do more effective practice, and the process of making new mashups for trainings will become easier.

UPD 1: Have you already noticed new pop-ups about judgment verdicts of your submissions?

UPD 2: (API update) Optional field rating has been added to the object Problem in API.

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By snarknews, history, 6 years ago, In English

UPDATE: The form for team registration appeared. Data will be transfered to ICPC database. Teams who filled similar form for the fixed site, do not need to fill this form twice..

Teams Registration

Coordinators of sites, allowing only teams from host university already received the links to similar forms with the pre-selected site.

The 2018 ICPC Uzbekistan Subregional Contest will take place in multi-host mode at Sunday, November 11, 2018. The universities may register as sites of the 2019 ICPC Uzbekistan Subregional using this form.

Register the Site

The form for teams registration will be posted later.

P.S. Breaking news: the hosts from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan are welcome to register and participate in Uzbekistan Multi-Site Subregional. Teams from those two countries — time to join ICPC now!

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By Anadi, 6 years ago, In English

I would like to invite you to participate in the rated Codeforces Round 519 by Botan Investments. Date and time of the round: Oct/28/2018 18:35 (Moscow time).

This is a combined round having 7 problems and lasting 2 hours, and it will be rated.

Tasks for you were prepared by Anadi, Grzmot, isaf27 and Rzepa. Also thanks for:

KAN and cdkrot for help in preparing the problems; --Pavel--, Nerevar, map, GR1n, rutsh, AlexFetisov and winger for testing the round; MikeMirzayanov for Codeforces and Polygon platforms.

The round is supported by Botan Investments.

Prizes! Top 50 participants and 20 random participants with rank from 51 to 500 will receive personalized hoodie with CF handle.

Scoring distribution will be announced later. I wish you a high rating and looking forward to see you at the competition!

UPD: I'll be on the community Discord server shortly after the contest to discuss the problems.

UPD: Scoring: 500 1000 1500 2000 2250 2750 3500

UPD: Editorial

The round is over, congratulations to the winners!

  1. scott_wu
  2. mnbvmar
  3. HIR180
  4. ksun48
  5. Benq
  6. geniucos
  7. Alex_2oo8
  8. Petr
  9. Um_nik
  10. V--o_o--V

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By MiptLited, 6 years ago, translation, In English

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology welcomes high school students to take part in the programming boot camp Moscow Workshops Juniors! The boot camp will be held from February, 25 to March, 6.

The educational program includes daily studying contests, thematic lectures and practice. In a free time participants could join the popular science lectures, do sports, play the intellectual games and be involved in other activities. According to the results of the introductory contest the participants are divided into divisions depending on their skill level. Participants can choose the most interesting topics and make an appropriate training program. If a participant finds the curriculum too simple or difficult, he can change division.

To take part in the camp, you have to pass qualifying online tours, its format is close to the Olympiad in Informatics. You can participate in several rounds or only in one tour, the ranking of the participants is made according to the results of four rounds. The selection rules can be found by the link.

There are four qualifying rounds:

October, 27 at 16:00 pm UTC+03

November, 18 at 12:00 pm UTC+03

December, 16 at 12:00 pm UTC+03

January, 20 at 12:00 pm UTC+03

Moscow Workshops Juniors suggests awarded high school students several opportunities of participation. If you are a prize-winner of national Olympiads in informatics 2017-2018, you are invited to take part in the Workshops free of charge! For participants of national Olympiads in informatics 2017-2018 the Workshops cost $400, for another participants – $700


Have questions still? Write to organizing committee email: [email protected]

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