By, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hi everyone!

Codeforces Round #381 will take place tomorrow on the 23rd of November at 19:35 MSK.

The problems were prepared by Alexander Alexandr_TS Tsaplin, Maxim HellKitsune Finutin and me. I hope you will enjoy it.

I'd like to thank Gleb GlebsHP Evstropov, Nikolay KAN Kalinin and Yevhen MrDindows Zadorozhnii for helping me in preparing problems, Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for the great Codeforces and Polygon platforms.

There will be five problems and two hours for solving them. The scoring distribution will be announced later.


Scoring for both divisions: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500


Congratulations for winners.

Div 1:

  1. jqdai0815

  2. FatalEagle

  3. izban

  4. LHiC

  5. Radewoosh

  6. Egor

Div 2:

  1. liumh8

  2. retired_coder

  3. fuboat

  4. v4lerich

A special congratulations to Petr for being the only contestant to solve the problem D in div. 1.


The editoral in english will be published tomorrow, but you can read it now in russian


The editoral was added for the first five problems.


The editoral was added for the Div.1 D and Div1. E.

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, my dear lovers of algorithms and data structures.

Codeforces Round 380 will start on November 20 (Sunday), 09:05 (UTC). It will be based on Technocup 2017 Elimination Round 2. So, if you are a Russian-speaking high-school student, please take part in the Technocup 2017.

Many thanks to KAN, GlebsHP, fcspartakm, Levshunovma. Hope to extend the list soon because of testers. Also some problem ideas are mine.

I hope you will like problems. It will be 6 problems in each division.

Good luck and bugless code


  • TK Elim 2 and Div 2: 500-1000-1750-1750-2000-2500
  • Div 1: 750-750-1000-1500-2000-2500

UPD 1: Here are our winners!

Top-5 in the Technocup stage:

  1. sslotin
  2. Arthur
  3. hloya_ygrt
  4. asokol
  5. Denisson

Top-5 in Div.1:

  1. riadwaw
  2. MrDindows
  3. Belonogov
  4. dreamoon_love_AA
  5. LHiC

Top-5 in Div.2:

  1. Ralsei
  2. NotDeep94
  3. ecvlco397
  4. kongroo
  5. meeeep

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By gKseni, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hooray! Contest for the best motto for laptop stickers is completed!

Thank you all for participation :) The Codeforces team was excited watching for your proposals and votes. Some proposals were really funny or wittily connected with popular memes: one, two :)

Congratulations to Rudy1444! His ``Is it rated?'' scored the highest number of votes. We'll be happy to send him a set of stickers and brand Codeforces t-shirt!

We will distribute stickers personally at events organized by the Codeforces and send them as a nice bonus to t-shirts and other gifts.

As a result of the voting the following proposals go to factory:


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By gKseni, 8 years ago, translation, In English

It is time to choose the best mottos!

We've chosen some proposals from the community and the Codeforces team. You will find them as the first comments for the post.

Vote for your favorite!
The final results will be announced two days later, on Friday, November 18! ;)

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By andrewzta, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

In 2016 teams form Middle Asia are invited to Almaty to take part in NEERC. The contest will take place in Kazakh-British Technical University. See contact information at

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By gepardo, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

Tomorrow, in November 15, 2016 at 19:35 MSK a regular Codeforces round for participants in the second division will be held. As usual, participants from the first division can take part out of competition.

I (gepardo) am the author of the contest. It's my first round and I hope it won't be the last. Great thanks to Gleb Evstropov (GlebsHP) for help in preparing the contest, Andrey Kalendarov (Andreikkaa) for testing the round and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great platforms Codeforces and Polygon.

As usual, the participants will be given 6 problems and two hours to solve them. I recommend to read ALL the problems. I wish everyone many Accepted and, of course, enjoy solving the problems.

The problems will be about my younger brother Anton. I hope you'll like them :)

The round is rated.

UPD: Though, the round won't be completely usual and there will be 6 problems.

UPD2: The scoring is 500-750-1250-1500-2000-2750.

UPD3: Tutorial is available now.

UPD4: Contest is over, congrats to winners :)

Div. 2

  1. Octotentacle

  2. CisnijAsdPawel

  3. VemMonstro13

  4. fulvioabrahao

  5. Mehrdad_S

Div. 1

  1. sugim48

  2. uwi

  3. khadaev

  4. HellKitsune

  5. Um_nik

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By gKseni, 8 years ago, translation, In English

The international training camp to prepare for ACM-ICPC 2016 is running on the base of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC 2016 is open educational and training student meeting for sports programming which takes part for the 7th time. The meeting has started on the 8th of November and will continue until the 18th of November.

Remember that two month ago already in Codeforces were written about technical details of the camp. It consists of 9 working days in English with daily contests (the main moderator of these contests is the coordinator of Open Cup named by E.V. Pankratiev, the chief editor of Snarknews: Oleg Khristenko); tutorials, lectures, practice time and evening activities — sports, excursions, etc.

Teams from 13 countries take part in the camp: Belarus, Great Britain, Georgia, India, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, USA, Ukraine and Russia. Overall about 200 participants from 40 universities in 31 cities in the world visit autumn meetings. The final list of teams is here.

It is interesting to see the topics of lectures of the division B, the list of invited speakers, a short schedule and the list of excursions. Details are in a colorful English-language booklet of the meeting.

Botan Investments Fund is one of partners who provides the financial support. In addition, they helped teams from Saratov, Tomsk, Archangelsk to come to the training camp. And I am very pleased that, thanks to the support of BI from Saratov State University two teams could go on the meeting. Thank you! Now I can cheer twice more during the contest! :) Also Botan Investments Fund provided the lecture «Startups are the new Sexy. Growth Hacking » in English from the co-founder of Machine Learning Works, Grigory Tkachenko.

The results of the rounds:

On snarknews there are all results with the description and references.

There are several photos:

Can't download [tried twice].

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