A quick update on the status of e-maxx translation project.
First, I'm excited to announce that I've joined e-maxx in English team as an admin! From practical point of view this means that I can review and accept pull requests and help with the issues arising during the contribution process. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. And if I encounter anything outside of my expertise, I can always ping RodionGork directly :-)
Second, October is a particularly good month for contributions to e-maxx translation, as well as for open source contributions in general. Hacktoberfest is back this year, and they are giving away t-shirts to anyone who makes 4 pull requests to any GitHub-hosted projects between October 1st and 31st.
We don't have an explicit list of issues to work on, but there are two basic kinds of contribution we're looking for:
- Translations of articles (obviously :-)).
- Practice problems for already translated articles — these are the problems at online judges on which the described algorithm can be practiced. See circle-circle intersection article for an example.
Here is a recent post by RodionGork about technical improvements in contributions process.
So if you have at any point considered contributing to e-maxx translation, now is the time to do it :-)