Hi everybody! There will be a Codeforces Round for both divisions today at standard time set up by me.
My teammates from ICPC team Moscow SU Trinity sankear and malcolm helped me a lot while preparing this round, also there were lots of useful tips and advices from MikeMirzayanov, applause for them. English translation was made by our veteran translator Delinur.
As usual, there will be five tasks for two hours. The scoring will be announced later.
See you on the round! I hope that each contestant will be able to find something nice in ongoing problems.
UPD: Scoring is standard.
UPD2: Due to technical issues the round is delayed by 15 minutes. We are sorry for an inconvenience.
UPD3: We are sorry for an inconvenience with the task Div1-D. The pretest #16 wasn't satisfying the constraints n, m, k <= 200000. The system testing for the first division will be delayed. If you think that you were affected by this test, you may write me a message and we will make this round unrated for you.
The system testing for the second division will happen shortly, as usual.
UPD4: System testing is complete. Congratulations to the winners!
UPD5: the English editorial was added.