Today round is prepared by me. My name is Mikhail Tikhomirov, i am fourth grade student at mech.-math. dep. of MSU, also i work as developer-researcher at Yandex.
I want to thank Artem Rakhov (RAD) for valuable help and thoughtful coordination, Maria Belova (Delinur) for great-as-always translating statements into English, and alsoMikeMirzayanov for letting us all get together today. =)
Round will be for both divisions. Every division will have five problems as usual, some of them will be the same, some will be not.
Score distribution:
Div1: 500-1000-2000-2000-2500.
Div2: 500-1000-1500-2000-3000.
Today round is the last round in 2011. I want to thank Codeforces team, everyone who invented, prepared or helped in preparing problems this or past years, and those, who help developing the project. Codeforces now is not just a platform for programming competitions, it is a place where everyone can learn something from another, get a bit of knowledge from more experienced fellows, become more advanced by solving contests and trainings, or just enjoy cool and beautiful problems.
Let's wish the Codeforces project good luck in development next year and long years of existence.
Happy new year! =)
Round finished. Thanks everybody! Hope you enjoyed it.
1. ivan.popelyshev
2. al13n
4. yeputons
5. romanandreev
6. dolphinigle
7. wata
8. Shef
9. shangjingbo
10. azizkhan
1. s-quark
2. wayne-ho
3. emrevarol
4. agh
5. lzqxh
Due to some techinical problems, server was unavailable for few minutes before the end of the contest. Out of two unpleasant options: make the round unrated or stay as it is, we choose the second one as it affects the less number of contestants. We apologize to those participants who are affected by this.
UPD2: Editorial is finally translated.