Hello, Codeforces!
I understand that 2021 has been going on for a long time, but here I have picked up a subset of some of the improvements that the Codeforces team made in 2020. Soon I will publish numbers (no, charts) with statistics for 2020. In the meantime, I bring to your attention a list of changes and improvements.
By the way, this is a decent list. This is about half to a quarter of all changes. It's just that other changes are more often somewhere in the internals of the system and are not visible to users. Please read this list. Each item is the effort of someone from the team. Thanks to geranazavr555, kuviman and cannor147 for their efforts. You've made our platform better! Well, by the way, I don't quit programming and many improvements were made by me.
The items on the list are written in a concise and informal form, many of the items I just copied from commit messages from git. If you want more details — ask in the comments, we will tell you! Of course, I forgot to include some improvements in the list.