2024 Latin American Championship Teams

Revision en1, by Platanito_Frito, 2023-10-23 07:50:22

On October 21, the regional competitions were held to determine the teams that will participate in The 2024 ICPC Latin America Championship.

422 teams participated and 357 of them solved at least one task. Here you can see the official table and the process of unveiling the standings after the end of the frozen time.

According to the qualification rules, 20 slots should be allocated to the best-performing teams from all Latin America, with a general rule of at most 2 teams from the same institution. The rest of the qualifiers will be chosen according to the algorithm established here.

Below is the Top 20 of the teams from all over Latin America that competed in the regional contests. Congratulations to all teams!

Top 20 Over-All

Rank Solved Name Country Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Rating
1 11 [FCEN-UBA] InChaVoLa Argentina reedef CodigoL Heibor 2581.2121
2 11 [UNICAMP] Eu ja tenho meu veredito, FAKE AC Brazil yan.silva Ber luiz_oda 2487.6230
3 11 [USP] Codando & Coringando Brazil LipArcanjo nathan_luiz wnmrmr 2593.0938
4 9 [IMPA] How did we get here? Brazil Agreb ? ? 2442.0005
5 8 [UFMG] teambrbr002 Brazil fmota emaneru MvKaio 2459.0082
6 8 [PUC] Bella y Sensual Chile MrNachoX kovaxis visho33 2417.2407
7 8 [UFMG] imprima a resposta módulo whatsapp Brazil perchuts Um_biratan heitor 2019.5813
8 8 [UFRJ] Todo mundo adora o Chris Brazil fcw viniciuslettieri Lucas_Melick 2167.0133
9 8 [USP] pato Brazil antoniomsah darling51707 wilwxk 2187.3535
10 8 [UNAL Bogotá] UNichan Colombia mcqueencin aprohACk Klaus26 2429.4254
11 7 [USP/São Carlos] que time é teu? Brazil nitor ThiagoSDQ kenzo.nobre 2041.8960
12 7 [UNICAMP] AESTHETIC Brazil enzopsm igba MatheusLealV 2209.8990
13 7 [UH] UH Top Cuba Giga_Cronos AGG Leonardo16 2219.9080
14 7 [UNR] Ñubel Carajo Argentina ? ? ? 0.0000
15 7 [UNR] Don Gato Argentina estoy-re-sebado Tainel Fran2001 2105.7200
16 7 [UNR] TAP water Argentina ariloc 12742147 Username4132 1643.6490
17 7 [IME] what's the expected amount of y's in a hey when she's into me? Brazil cosenza MatheusAB srgioreinier 2095.4180
18 7 [UG-CIMAT] OWO Mexico JoseSoto ? ? 1925.0107
19 7 [FCEN-UBA] Está en el Corman Argentina tarche jerefigo [user:Uli7] 2094.5960
20 7 [UNB] ¿¿Heladito?? Brazil AlbertoTDNeto Tiagodfs lucassala 2240.6197

Qualified Teams to Latin America Championship (unofficial)

# Rank Name Country Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Rating
1 3 [USP] Codando & Coringando Brazil LipArcanjo nathan_luiz wnmrmr 2593.0938
2 1 [FCEN-UBA] InChaVoLa Argentina reedef CodigoL Heibor 2581.2121
3 2 [UNICAMP] Eu ja tenho meu veredito, FAKE AC Brazil yan.silva Ber luiz_oda 2487.6230
4 5 [UFMG] teambrbr002 Brazil fmota emaneru MvKaio 2459.0082
5 4 [IMPA] How did we get here? Brazil Agreb ? ? 2442.0005
6 10 [UNAL Bogotá] UNichan Colombia mcqueencin aprohACk Klaus26 2429.4254
7 6 [PUC] Bella y Sensual Chile MrNachoX kovaxis visho33 2417.2407
8 33 [ESCOM IPN] Catadores de Patas (ahora en ICPC) Mexico Marckess ? ? 2403.0007
9 20 [UNB] ¿¿Heladito?? Brazil AlbertoTDNeto Tiagodfs lucassala 2240.6197
10 13 [UH] UH Top Cuba Giga_Cronos AGG Leonardo16 2219.9080
11 12 [UNICAMP] AESTHETIC Brazil enzopsm igba MatheusLealV 2209.8990
12 9 [USP] pato Brazil antoniomsah darling51707 wilwxk 2187.3535
13 30 [UNI-FC] Rating is just a number Peru Cegax mika_uwu bardend 2170.8788
14 8 [UFRJ] Todo mundo adora o Chris Brazil fcw viniciuslettieri Lucas_Melick 2167.0133
15 22 [UFG] Monkeys: Karasuno Brazil gustavoleal Dayllon nelsi_sousa 2147.4785
16 34 [UFRN] Reau ou feike?? Brazil Malheiros camiladuartes_ rannaraabe 2109.0037
17 15 [UNR] Don Gato Argentina estoy-re-sebado Tainel Fran2001 2105.7200
18 17 [IME] what's the expected amount of y's in a hey when she's into me? Brazil cosenza MatheusAB srgioreinier 2095.4180
19 19 [FCEN-UBA] Está en el Corman Argentina tarche jerefigo [user:Uli7] 2094.5960
20 11 [USP/São Carlos] que time é teu? Brazil nitor ThiagoSDQ kenzo.nobre 2041.8960
21 7 [UFMG] imprima a resposta módulo whatsapp Brazil perchuts Um_biratan heitor 2019.5813
22 28 [UDESC] Não Treinamos o João Brazil joaozao nzo ericg 1984.9724
23 18 [UG-CIMAT] OWO Mexico JoseSoto ? ? 1925.0107
24 29 [EAFIT] QueBendicion Colombia automac juancs elpepe123 1750.4593
25 21 [ITA] Qualquer coisa menos KFM Brazil Kowalks2 ? ? 1706.0377
26 14 [UNR] Ñubel Carajo Argentina ? ? ? 0.0000
27 23 [UChile] CTF enjoyers Chile ? ? ? 0.0000
28 24 [UG-CIMAT] La última y nos vamos Mexico ? ? ? 0.0000
29 26 [UMSA] Los Maquinolas Bolivia ? ? ? 0.0000
30 27 [UTN Argentina — Santa Fe] Fruta Fresca Argentina ? ? ? 0.0000
31 31 [ITESM GDA] Borregos Salvajes Mexico ? ? ? 0.0000
32 78 [In.Co.] Fraizen fraizen Uruguay ? ? ? 0.0000
33 117 [USB] Rappi2 y furiosos Venezuela ? ? ? 0.0000
34 141 [ITCR-Alajuela] TEC — Silla Costa Rica ? ? ? 0.0000
35 182 [UAPA] Warrior Soft Dominican Republic ? ? ? 0.0000
36 243 [UWI-TTO] Data Dynamos Trinidad and Tobago ? ? ? 0.0000
37 247 [UCA] InfinityLoops El Salvador ? ? ? 0.0000
38 248 [UPR-B] QuantumDevs Puerto Rico ? ? ? 0.0000
39 296 [URL] XMD Guatemala ? ? ? 0.0000
40 323 [UWI-FIC] CipherSpace Antigua and Barbuda ? ? ? 0.0000

P.S.: I made this table from the overall Latin American standings, using an official quota allocation per region/country and the general rule of a maximum of 2 teams per institution. So please rectify any mistakes I might have made as well as any missing team details (such as a member's username). As soon as the official list of qualified teams is available, I will update the blog. Thanks for reading!

Tags icpc 2024, championship, latam


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English Platanito_Frito 2023-11-25 19:20:51 1832 updated official standings
en3 English Platanito_Frito 2023-10-24 01:21:34 621
en2 English Platanito_Frito 2023-10-23 21:52:29 2802 Minor changes: updated broken link to official standings
en1 English Platanito_Frito 2023-10-23 07:50:22 18836 Initial revision (published)