On October 21, the regional competitions were held to determine the teams that will participate in The 2024 ICPC Latin America Championship.
404 teams participated and 357 of them solved at least one task. Here you can see the official standings.
According to the qualification rules, 20 slots should be allocated to the best-performing teams from all Latin America, with a general rule of at most 2 teams from the same institution. The rest of the qualifiers will be chosen according to the algorithm established here.
Below is the Top 20 of the teams from all over Latin America that competed in the regional contests. Congratulations to all teams!
Top 20 Over-All
Rank | Solved | Name | Country | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 | Rating |
1 | 11 | [FCEN-UBA] InChaVoLa | Argentina | reedef | CodigoL | Heibor | 2581.2121 |
2 | 11 | [UNICAMP] Eu ja tenho meu veredito, FAKE AC | Brazil | yan.silva | Ber | luiz_oda | 2487.6230 |
3 | 11 | [USP] Codando & Coringando | Brazil | LipArcanjo | nathan_luiz | wnmrmr | 2593.0938 |
4 | 9 | [IMPA] How did we get here? | Brazil | Agreb | ? | ? | 2442.0005 |
5 | 8 | [UFMG] teambrbr002 | Brazil | fmota | emaneru | MvKaio | 2459.0082 |
6 | 8 | [PUC] Bella y Sensual | Chile | MrNachoX | kovaxis | visho33 | 2417.2407 |
7 | 8 | [UFMG] imprima a resposta módulo whatsapp | Brazil | perchuts | Um_biratan | heitor | 2019.5813 |
8 | 8 | [UFRJ] Todo mundo adora o Chris | Brazil | fcw | viniciuslettieri | Lucas_Melick | 2167.0133 |
9 | 8 | [USP] pato | Brazil | antoniomsah | darling51707 | wilwxk | 2187.3535 |
10 | 8 | [UNAL Bogotá] UNichan | Colombia | mcqueencin | aprohACk | Klaus26 | 2429.4254 |
11 | 7 | [USP/São Carlos] que time é teu? | Brazil | nitor | ThiagoSDQ | kenzo.nobre | 2041.8960 |
12 | 7 | [UNICAMP] AESTHETIC | Brazil | enzopsm | igba | MatheusLealV | 2209.8990 |
13 | 7 | [UH] UH Top | Cuba | Giga_Cronos | AGG | Leonardo16 | 2219.9080 |
14 | 7 | [UNR] Ñubel Carajo | Argentina | Maezra6 | franchu | Huntercam | 2110.4029 |
15 | 7 | [UNR] Don Gato | Argentina | estoy-re-sebado | Tainel | Fran2001 | 2105.7200 |
16 | 7 | [UNR] TAP water | Argentina | ariloc | 12742147 | Username4132 | 1643.6490 |
17 | 7 | [IME] what's the expected amount of y's in a hey when she's into me? | Brazil | cosenza | MatheusAB | srgioreinier | 2095.4180 |
18 | 7 | [UG-CIMAT] OWO | Mexico | JoseSoto | DiegoGarcia | wiritos | 2073.1226 |
19 | 7 | [FCEN-UBA] Está en el Corman | Argentina | tarche | jerefigo | [user:Uli7] | 2094.5960 |
20 | 7 | [UNB] ¿¿Heladito?? | Brazil | AlbertoTDNeto | Tiagodfs | lucassala | 2240.6197 |
Qualified Teams to Latin America Championship (unofficial)
# | Rank | Name | Country | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 | Rating |
1 | 3 | [USP] Codando & Coringando | Brazil | LipArcanjo | nathan_luiz | wnmrmr | 2593.0938 |
2 | 1 | [FCEN-UBA] InChaVoLa | Argentina | reedef | CodigoL | Heibor | 2581.2121 |
3 | 2 | [UNICAMP] Eu ja tenho meu veredito, FAKE AC | Brazil | yan.silva | Ber | luiz_oda | 2487.6230 |
4 | 5 | [UFMG] teambrbr002 | Brazil | fmota | emaneru | MvKaio | 2459.0082 |
5 | 4 | [IMPA] How did we get here? | Brazil | Agreb | ? | ? | 2442.0005 |
6 | 10 | [UNAL Bogotá] UNichan | Colombia | mcqueencin | aprohACk | Klaus26 | 2429.4254 |
7 | 6 | [PUC] Bella y Sensual | Chile | MrNachoX | kovaxis | visho33 | 2417.2407 |
8 | 20 | [UNB] ¿¿Heladito?? | Brazil | AlbertoTDNeto | Tiagodfs | lucassala | 2240.6197 |
9 | 13 | [UH] UH Top | Cuba | Giga_Cronos | AGG | Leonardo16 | 2219.9080 |
10 | 12 | [UNICAMP] AESTHETIC | Brazil | enzopsm | igba | MatheusLealV | 2209.8990 |
11 | 9 | [USP] pato | Brazil | antoniomsah | darling51707 | wilwxk | 2187.3535 |
12 | 30 | [UNI-FC] Rating is just a number | Peru | Cegax | mika_uwu | bardend | 2170.8788 |
13 | 8 | [UFRJ] Todo mundo adora o Chris | Brazil | fcw | viniciuslettieri | Lucas_Melick | 2167.0133 |
14 | 22 | [UFG] Monkeys: Karasuno | Brazil | gustavoleal | Dayllon | nelsi_sousa | 2147.4785 |
15 | 14 | [UNR] Ñubel Carajo | Argentina | Maezra6 | franchu | Huntercam | 2110.4029 |
16 | 34 | [UFRN] Reau ou feike?? | Brazil | Malheiros | camiladuartes_ | rannaraabe | 2109.0037 |
17 | 15 | [UNR] Don Gato | Argentina | estoy-re-sebado | Tainel | Fran2001 | 2105.7200 |
18 | 17 | [IME] what's the expected amount of y's in a hey when she's into me? | Brazil | cosenza | MatheusAB | srgioreinier | 2095.4180 |
19 | 19 | [FCEN-UBA] Está en el Corman | Argentina | tarche | jerefigo | [user:Uli7] | 2094.5960 |
20 | 18 | [UG-CIMAT] OWO | Mexico | JoseSoto | DiegoGarcia | wiritos | 2073.1226 |
21 | 11 | [USP/São Carlos] que time é teu? | Brazil | nitor | ThiagoSDQ | kenzo.nobre | 2041.8960 |
22 | 7 | [UFMG] imprima a resposta módulo whatsapp | Brazil | perchuts | Um_biratan | heitor | 2019.5813 |
23 | 33 | [ESCOM IPN] Catadores de Patas (ahora en ICPC) | Mexico | DanielMontes | JorgeIbanez | ? | 2001.1153 |
24 | 28 | [UDESC] Não Treinamos o João | Brazil | joaozao | nzo | ericg | 1984.9724 |
25 | 27 | [UTN Argentina — Santa Fe] Fruta Fresca | Argentina | FedeNQ | marianoferesin | Aristides | 1893.5919 |
26 | 26 | [UMSA] Los Maquinolas | Bolivia | The_Lion_King_4210 | Mr_chuby | Zeincho | 1780.5243 |
27 | 29 | [EAFIT] QueBendicion | Colombia | automac | juancs | elpepe123 | 1750.4593 |
28 | 21 | [ITA] Qualquer coisa menos KFM | Brazil | Kowalks2 | ? | ? | 1706.0377 |
29 | 247 | [UCA] InfinityLoops | El Salvador | RauPro | fdgbatarse | Spudurmun | 1531.1033 |
30 | 78 | [In.Co.] Fraizen fraizen | Uruguay | pablopalou | diegofernandezc | jmlolo002 | 1375.8215 |
31 | 23 | [UChile] CTF enjoyers | Chile | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
32 | 24 | [UG-CIMAT] La última y nos vamos | Mexico | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
33 | 31 | [ITESM GDA] Borregos Salvajes | Mexico | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
34 | 117 | [USB] Rappi2 y furiosos | Venezuela | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
35 | 141 | [ITCR-Alajuela] TEC — Silla | Costa Rica | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
36 | 182 | [UAPA] Warrior Soft | Dominican Republic | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
37 | 243 | [UWI-TTO] Data Dynamos | Trinidad and Tobago | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
38 | 248 | [UPR-B] QuantumDevs | Puerto Rico | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
39 | 296 | [URL] XMD | Guatemala | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
40 | 323 | [UWI-FIC] CipherSpace | Antigua and Barbuda | ? | ? | ? | 0.0000 |
P.S.: I made this table from the overall Latin American standings, using an official quota allocation per region/country and the general rule of a maximum of 2 teams per institution. So please rectify any mistakes I might have made as well as any missing team details (such as a member's username). As soon as the official list of qualified teams is available, I will update the blog. Thanks for reading!