To solve the problem one could just store two arrays hused[j] and vused[j] sized n and filled with false initially. Then process intersections one by one from 1 to n, and if for i-th intersections both hused[hi] and vused[vi] are false, add i to answer and set both hused[hi] and vused[vi] with true meaning that hi-th horizontal and vi-th vertical roads are now asphalted, and skip asphalting the intersection roads otherwise.
Such solution has O(n2) complexity.
It is always optimal to pass all the computers in the row, starting from 1-st to n-th, then from n-th to first, then again from first to n-th, etc. and collecting the information parts as possible, while not all of them are collected.
Such way gives robot maximal use of every direction change. O(n2) solution using this approach must have been passed system tests.
Let the answer be a1 ≤ a2 ≤ ... ≤ an. We will use the fact that gcd(ai, aj) ≤ amin(i, j).
It is true that gcd(an, an) = an ≥ ai ≥ gcd(ai, aj) for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. That means that an is equal to maximum element in the table. Let set an to maximal element in the table and delete it from table elements set. We've deleted gcd(an, an), so the set now contains all gcd(ai, aj), for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and 1 ≤ min(i, j) ≤ n - 1.
By the last two inequalities gcd(ai, aj) ≤ amin(i, j) ≤ an - 1 = gcd(an - 1, an - 1). As soon as set contains gcd(an - 1, an - 1), the maximum element in current element set is equal to an - 1. As far as we already know an, let's delete the gcd(an - 1, an - 1), gcd(an - 1, an), gcd(an, an - 1) from the element set. Now set contains all the gcd(ai, aj), for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and 1 ≤ min(i, j) ≤ n - 2.
We're repeating that operation for every k from n - 2 to 1, setting ak to maximum element in the set and deleting the gcd(ak, ak), gcd(ai, ak), gcd(ak, ai) for every k < i ≤ n from the set.
One could prove correctness of this algorithm by mathematical induction. For performing deleting and getting maximum element operations one could use multiset or map structure, so solution has complexity .
One could calculate matrix sized n × n mt[i][j] — the length of the longest non-decreasing subsequence in array a1, a2, ..., an, starting at element, greater-or-equal to ai and ending strictly in aj element with j-th index.
One could prove that if we have two matrices sized n × n A[i][j] (the answer for a1, a2, ..., apn starting at element, greater-or-equal to ai and ending strictly in aj element with j-th index inside last block (a(p - 1)n + 1, ..., apn) and B[i][j] (the answer for a1, a2, ..., aqn \ldots), then the multiplication of this matrices in a way
will give the same matrix but for length p + q. As soon as such multiplication is associative, next we will use fast matrix exponentiation algorithm to calculate M[i][j] (the answer for a1, a2, ..., anT) — matrix mt[i][j] raised in power T. The answer is the maximum in matrix M. Such solution has complexity .
There's an alternative solution. As soon as a1, a2, ..., anT contains maximum n distinct elements, it's any non-decreasing subsequence has a maximum of n - 1 increasing consequtive element pairs. Using that fact, one could calculate standard longest non-decreasing subsequence dynamic programming on first n array blocks (a1, ..., an2) and longest non-decreasing subsequence DP on the last n array blocks (anT - n + 1, ..., anT). All other T - 2n blocks between them will make subsegment of consequtive equal elements in longest non-decreasing subsequence.
So, for fixed ai, in which longest non-decreasing subsequence of length p on first n blocks array ends, and for fixed aj ≥ ai, in which longest non-decreasing subsequence of length s on last n blocks array starts, we must update the answer with p + (T - 2n)count(ai) + s, where count(x) is the number of occurences of x in a1, ..., an array. This gives us solution.
Let's fix s for every (l, s) pair. One could easily prove, that if subarray contains ai element, than ai must be greater-or-equal than aj for every j such that i ≡ j ± od{gcd(n, s)}. Let's use this idea and fix g = gcd(n, s) (it must be a divisor of n). To check if ai can be in subarray with such constraints, let's for every 0 ≤ r < g calculate
It's true that every good subarray must consist of and only of . For finding all such subarrays we will use two pointers approach and for every good ai, such that a(i - 1) ± od{n} is not good we will find aj such that ai, a(i + 1) ± od{n}, ... aj are good and a(j + 1) ± od{n}) is not good. Let ai, a(i + 1) ± od{n}, ... aj has k elements
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with count k, k - 1, ..., 1. As soon as sum of all k is not greater than n, we could just increase counts straightforward. There's a case when all ai are good, in which we must do another increases. Next we must add to the answer only counts of length x, such that gcd(x, n) = g.Solution described above has complexity O(d(n)n), where d(n) is the number of divisors of n.
It is a common fact that for a prime p and integer n maximum α, such that pα|n! is calculated as , where pA ≤ n < pA + 1. As soon as
, the maximum α for
is calculated as