[GYM] SPC 2019

Revision en6, by Az3ar, 2019-11-07 17:06:09

Hello everyone.

The problem set of the SPC 2019 will be available in GYM on 09.11.2019 13:00 (Московское время).

SPC is a training contest for Jordanians in summer.

The Contest will contain 12 problems written and prepared by Jester, ZombieTheLegend and me Az3ar.

The contest is around Div.2 difficulty, hope you enjoy your time and find interesting problems.

Tags #gym, #training


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en7 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 17:07:38 0 (published)
en6 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 17:06:09 20 Tiny change: ' hope you find inte' -> ' hope you enjoy your time and find inte'
en5 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 17:04:55 93 Tiny change: 'test_time:https://codeforces.net/gym/102419].\n' -> 'test_time:102419].\n'
en4 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 17:01:38 63 Tiny change: 'test_time:https://codeforces.net/gym/102419].\n' -> 'test_time:102419].\n'
en3 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 16:58:32 27 Tiny change: 'test_time:https://codeforces.net/gym/102419].\n' -> 'test_time:102419].\n'
en2 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 16:56:59 181
en1 English Az3ar 2019-11-07 16:53:49 162 Initial revision (saved to drafts)