Hi Codeforces!
stefdasca, koala_bear00 and I are very excited to announce our first contest Codeforces Round #676, which will take place Oct/18/2020 12:05 (Moscow time). The round will be rated for participants with rating up to 2099.
The tasks were written by me with help from stefdasca and koala_bear00 and we hope we compiled a very interesting contest with memorable tasks :)
Special thanks to:
antontrygubO_o for coordinating our round and pushing us to come up with more and more interesting tasks.
dorijanlendvaj, kclee2172, Devil, * thenymphsofdelphi, atharv, Stelutzu, RetiredPlayer, shashwatchan, stack_overflows, AmShZ, Osama_Alkhodairy, raresdanut, katsurap_, A_N_D_Y, Usu and kpw29 for testing the round and providing useful feedback.
MikeMirzayanov for awesome Codeforces and Polygon platforms. Thanks!
You will be given 2 hours to solve 5 problems, good luck everyone and have fun!